July 2022

Child Care and Preschool

Child Care and Preschool Budget

(Dollars In Millions)

  2020-21 Reviseda 2021-22 Reviseda 2022-23 Enacted Change from 2021-22
  Amount Percent
CalWORKs Child Care          
Stage 1 $486 $381 $450 $69 18.1%
Stage 2b 558 402 309 -92 -23.0
Stage 3 656 705 686 -20 -2.8
Subtotals ($1,700) ($1,488) ($1,445) (-$43) (-2.9%)
Non-CalWORKs Child Care          
Alternative Payment Program $780 $1,252 $1,778 $526 42.0%
General Child Carec 522 750 1,783 1,033 137.6
Bridge program for foster children 58 54 97 42 78.5
Migrant Child Care 45 65 70 5 7.6
Care for Children With Severe Disabilities 2 2 2 — d 6.8
Subtotals ($1,407) ($2,123) ($3,729) ($1,606) (75.6%)
Preschool Programs          
State Preschoolf $1,270 $1,720 $2,579 $859 49.9%
Transitional Kindergarteng 807 864 1,992 1,128 130.5
Preschool QRIS Grant 50 50 50
Subtotals ($2,127) ($2,634) ($4,621) ($1,986) (75.4%)
Support Programs $255 $1,616 $2,159 $543 33.6%
Totals $5,489 $7,861 $11,954 $4,092 52.1%
Proposition 98 General Fund $1,645 $2,388 $4,260 $1871 78.4%
Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 1,945 2833 3720 887 31.3
Proposition 64 Special Fund 146 295 292 -2 -0.8
Federal 1753 2345 3682 1337 57.0
a Reflects administration's revised estimates for CalWORKs Child Care, and budget appropriation for all other programs.
b Does not include $9.6 million provided to community colleges for certain child care services.  
c Includes family child care home education networks.      
d Less than $500,000.          
e Includes $1.2 million each year used for a family literacy program offered at certain State Preschool sites.
f Reflects preliminary LAO estimates as enrollment data are not yet publicly available. The 2022-23 estimate includes Department of Finance's estimates for add-on and expansion policies.