January 2023

Child Care and Preschool

Preschool Budget

Dollars in Millions

  2021-22 Revised 2022-23 Revised 2023-24 Proposed Change from 2022-23
  Amount Percent
Preschool Programs          
State Preschoola $1,720 $2,579 $2,867 $288 11.2%
Transitional Kindergartenb 965 2,069 3,008 939 45.4
Preschool QRIS Grant 50 50 50
Subtotals ($2,736) ($4,698) ($5,925) ($1,227) (26.1%)
Other Support $1,040 $694 $19 -$674 -97.2%
Totals $3,775 $5,391 $5,944 $553 10.3%
Proposition 98 General Fund $2,547 $4,337 $4,892 $556 12.8%
Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 988 844 998 154 18.3
Federal one-time COVID-19 relief funds 240 210 54 -157 -74.5
a Includes $1.2 million each year used for a family literacy program offered at certain State Preschool sites.
b Reflects preliminary LAO estimates as enrollment data are not yet publicly available. The 2022-23 and 2023-24 estimate includes Department of Finance's estimates for add-on and expansion policies.
QRIS = Quality Rating and Improvement System.