July 2023

Child Care and Preschool

2023-24 Changes in Preschool Spending

In Millions

  General Fund    
Change Prop. 98 Non-Prop. 98 Federal Total
Transitional Kindergarten attendance and rate changes $879 $879
Rate Set-Asidea 207 $126 333
Inclusive Early Education Expansion Programb 163 163
Family Fee Schedule Changec 12 11 22
Classroom Assessment Scoring System support 1 d 1
Backfill federal funds 157 -$157
Update cost of prior rate increase -54 -54
Redirect existing State Preschool savings -257 -54 -310
Remove one-time funding -561 -114 -675
Totals $443 $72 -$157 $358
a Funds are available over 2023-24 and 2024-25. At the discretion of DOF, Non-Prop. 98 can also be used for child care. The budget package also authorizes $343 million in 2022-23 funding and $632 million in 2024-25 funding for this purpose.  
b Budget also redirects $163 million in prior funding for this program to other activities, resulting in no net increase in funding for the program.  
c Effective October 1, 2023        
d Less than $500,000.