January 2024
Changes in University of California General Fund Spending
Reflects Governor's Budget Proposals, 2024-25 (In Millions)
2023-24 Revised Spending | $4,712 |
Ongoing Spending | |
Debt service for UC Merced medical education building | $14.5 |
UC graduate medical education (backfill)a | 2.6 |
Subtotal | ($17.1) |
One-Time Initiatives | |
Carryoverb | $9.5 |
Nutrition Policy Institutec | 1.1 |
Subtotal | ($10.6) |
Total | $27.7 |
2024-25 Proposed Spending | $4,740 |
a The Governor proposes to backfill a drop in Proposition 56 tobacco-tax revenue with General Fund. | |
b Consists of $5 million for professional development and $4.5 million for the UC Hematologic Malignancies Pilot program. | |
c Implements a four-year budget agreement. In 2023-24, the budget included $1.3 million, increasing to $2.4 million in 2024-25. |