July 2024

California State Library

California State Library Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions)

  2022-23 Actual 2023-24 Revised 2024-25 Enacted Change from 2023-24
  Amount Percent
General Fund          
Ongoing $37 $52 $48 -$4 -7.6%
One time 454 160 155 -5 -3.2%
     Subtotals ($491) ($213) ($204) (-$9) (-4.3%)
Other Funds          
Federal Trust Fund $16 $18 $18 a a
CSCRF 2 3 2 a a
Otherb 3 1 1 a a
     Subtotals ($20) ($22) ($22) a a
Totals $512 $235 $225 -$9 -3.9%
a Less than $500,000 or 0.5 percent.
b Consists of the California State Law Library Special Account, the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Administrative Committee Fund, and reimbursements.
CSCRF = Central Services Cost Recovery Fund.