July 2024

K-12 Education

K-12 Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions Except Funding Per Student)

2023-24 Revised 2024-25 Enacted Change From 2023-24
  Amount Percent
Proposition 98          
General Fund $65,372a $67,335b $72,711 $5,376 8%
Local property tax 25,890 27,295 28,410 1,115 4   
Subtotals $91,261 $94,630 $101,121 $6,491 7%
Other State          
Other General Fundc $9,309 $10,474d $8,966 -$1,508 -14%
Lottery 1,726 1,413 1,411 -2 0.1
Special funds 291 521 159 -362 -69   
Subtotals $11,326 $12,407 $10,536 -$1,871 -15%
Other Local          
Property taxes for local facility bonds $5,650 $5,650 $5,650
Other taxes, fees, and reimbursementse 9,822 9,990 10,325 $336 3%
Subtotals $15,472 $15,639 $15,975 $336 2%
Federal Funds          
One-time aidf $315 $300 $33 -$267 -89%
Other federal funds 7,069 8,089 7,969 -120 -1   
Subtotals $7,384 $8,389 $8,001 -$387 -5%
Totals $125,443 $131,065 $135,633 $4,568 3%
Studentsg 5,405,197 5,468,503 5,508,796 40,293 1%
Proposition 98 funding per student $16,884 $17,305 $18,356 $1,052 6   
Total funding per student 23,208 23,967 24,621 654 3   
a Includes $5.4 billion that will be accrued to future fiscal years for state accounting purposes.  
b Includes $7.6 billion from the Proposition 98 Reserve.      
c Consists primarily of state pension payments on behalf of districts, state debt service on school facility bonds, and non-Proposition 98 funding for the California State Preschool Program. Also includes operational expenses of the California Department of Education and certain other agencies.
d Includes $938 million in first-year funding for the arts education program established by Proposition 28 (2022). Under the measure, this program becomes Proposition 98 General Fund beginning in 2024-25.
e Includes revenue from property taxes collected in excess of the Local Control Funding Formula allotments, parcel taxes, fees, and local reimbursements.
f Consists of funding from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (December 2020) and the American Rescue Plan Act (March 2021).
g Reflects average daily attendance.