July 2024

Child Care and Preschool

Child Care Budget

(Dollars in Millions)

     2022-23 Reviseda 2023-24 Revisedb 2024-25 Enactedb Change from 2023-24
Amount Percent
CalWORKs Child Care          
Stage 1 $532 $550 $568 $18 3%
Stage 2c 310 423 532 109 26  
Stage 3 608 576 522 -54 -9  
Subtotals ($1,450) ($1,549) ($1,622) ($73) (5%)
Non-CalWORKs Child Care          
Alternative Payment Program $1,834 $2,054 $2,058 5 d  
General Child Caree 1,013 1,266 1,397 131 10%
Bridge program for foster children 97 94 106f 12 13  
Migrant Child Care 69 71 79 8 12  
Care for Children With Severe Disabilities 2 2 2 g 2  
Subtotals ($3,015) ($3,486) ($3,642) ($156) (4%)
Support Programsh $2,187 $1,578 $1,455 -$123 -8%
Totals $6,653 $6,613 $6,719 $106 2%
Proposition 98 General Fundi $2 $3 $2 -$2 -48%
Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 2,275 3,229 3,832 603 19  
Proposition 64 Special Fund 292 270 625 355 132  
Federal 4,084 3,111 2,260 -851 -27  
a Reflects 2023-24 May Revision estimates with LAO adjustments.
b Reflects 2024-25 May Revision.
c Does not include $11.2 million provided to community colleges for certain child care services.
d Reflects 0.23 percent.     
e Includes family child care home education networks.     
f Consists of $58.8 million in 2024-25 funds and $47.1 million in reappropriated funds from 2023-24.     
g Reflects $28,000.     
h Includes funding for quality programs, child care infrastructure, Child and Adult Care Food Program, CCPU Retirement Benefit Trust, accounts payable, whole child community equity, court cases, and costs associated with 2023-24 collectively bargained early education and parity agreement.
i Reflects Proposition 98 funds for Child and Adult Care Food Program.
CCPU = Child Care Providers United.