January 2025


College of the Law, San Francisco Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions Except Funding Per Student)

Change from 2024-25
  Amount Percent
Ongoing Core Funds          
Student tuition and fees $54.0 $55.2 $59.4 $4.3 7.8%
General Funda 24.0  26.3 36.9 10.6  40.3
Lottery  0.3  0.3  0.3
Otherb  -2.2  4.9  4.7  -0.2  -4.9
Subtotals ($76.1) ($86.6)  ($101.2)  ($14.6)  (16.9%)
One-time General Fund   $3.0
Extramural Funds          
Other fundsc $38.9 $38.0 $37.5 -$0.4 -1.1%
Private funds 9.4 8.0 7.8 -0.2 -2.6
Federal funds 0.9 0.9 0.9 -0.0 -2.8
 Subtotals ($49.3)  ($46.9)  ($46.2)  (-$0.6)  (-1.4%)
 Totals $128.3 $133.5 $147.4 $14.0 10.5%
FTE Studentsd  1,167  1,128  1,129  1  0.1%
Ongoing Core Funding
Per Student
 $65,207  $76,751  $89,631  $12,881  16.8%
a Includes ongoing funds provided for state lease revenue bond payments and university bond payments. In 2025-26, the Governor's budget includes a $10.1 million ongoing augmentation for university bond debt service for the McAllister Tower renovation project.
b Consists of income from scholarly publications, investment income, overhead and internal transfers, fee revenue, and carryover.
c Includes revenue derived from the school's housing, parking, dining, and student health service programs, as well as income from other nonstate activities, including payouts from endowed funds.
d Consists of students enrolled in the school's Juris Doctor and master's programs.
FTE = full-time equivalent.