January 2025

Community Colleges

Changes in California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Spending, 2023-24 and 2024-25

Reflects Governor's Budget Proposals (in Millions)

2023-24 Revised Spending at 2024-25 Budget Act $12,267a
One-Time Initiatives  
Systemwide Common Technology Platform, Phase 2 $24
Systemwide Common Technology Platform, Phase 1 0b
Subtotal ($24)
Technical adjustments -$24
Total Changes $0
2023-24 Revised Spending at 2024-25 Governor's Budget $12,267a
2024-25 Budget Act $13,108
One-Time Initiatives  
Systemwide Common Technology Platform, Phase 1 $131
Systemwide Common Technology Platform, Phase 2 82
Career passports 50
Credit for prior learning 8
Subtotal ($270)
Technical adjustments -$26
Total Changes $245
2024-25 Revised Spending $13,352
a Amount includes $788 million in costs covered by withdrawals from the Proposition 98 Reserve.
 b $3,000.