January 2025

Proposition 98 Overview

Major Proposition 98 Spending Proposals

(In Millions)

K-12 Education  
LCFF COLA (2.43 percent) $1,858
Transitional kindergarten expansiona 1,065
Transitional kindergarten lower student to adult ratios 746
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program 435
COLA for select categorical programs (2.43 percent)b 206
Universal school meals 84
Statewide System of Support: literacy 5
K-12 High Speed Network 4
CA College Guidance Initiative 3
Homeless education technical assistance centers 2
FCMAT salary adjustment 1
Subtotal ($4,408)
One Time  
Discretionary block grant $1,776c
Literacy and math coaches 500
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant 379
Pay for 2024-25 LCFF deferral 246
Teacher recruitment incentive grant 150
Kitchen infrastructure and training 150
National Board Certified Teacher Certification Incentive Program 100
Training for literacy screenings 40
Transitional kindergarten English language proficiency screeners 10
Statewide System of Support: literacy 5
IEP template digitization and translation 2
Evaluation of standards and materials adoption process 1
Subtotal ($3,358)
Total K-12 Education $7,767
California Community Colleges  
COLA for apportionments (2.43 percent) $230
Enrollment growth (0.5 percent) 30
COLA for select categorical programs (2.43 percent)d 30
Rising Scholars Network 30
Systemwide Common Technology Platform, Phase 1 29
Credit for prior learning and career passports 7
Subtotal ($357)
One Time  
Pay for 2024-25 deferral $244
Systemwide Common Technology Platform, Phase 2 168
Systemwide Common Technology Platform, Phase 1 134e
Credit for prior learning and career passports 93f
Subtotal ($638)
Total California Community Colleges $995
Total Spending Proposals $8,762
a Reflects additional LCFF costs associated with serving more students in transitional kindergarten, including costs of existing 12:1 staffing ratios.
b Applies to the Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program, American Indian Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Charter School Facility Grant Program, American Indian Education Centers, Equity Multiplier, and K-12 mandates block grant.
Includes $2.8 million in reappropriated Proposition 98 funds.
d Applies to the Adult Education Program, apprenticeship programs, CalWORKs student services, campus child care support, Disabled Students Programs and Services, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, and mandates block grant.
e Includes $2.6 million in reappropriated Proposition 98 funds.
f Includes $10 million in reappropriated Proposition 98 funds.
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula, COLA = Cost-of-living adjustment, FCMAT = Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, IEP = Individualized Education Program.