Mark Newton
(916) 319-8323
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Health, Developmental Services, and Technology
Jason Constantouros
(916) 319-8322
Medi-Cal/Managed Care/Family Health/Health Care Affordability and Workforce Development
Brian Metzker
(916) 319-8354
Privacy, Security, and Technology
Ryan Miller
(916) 319-8356
Medi-Cal/Behavioral Health/Covered California/CalHHS Agency Issues
Angela Short
(916) 319-8309
Child Welfare, Child Support, Community Services and Development, Community Care Licensing, CalSTRS
Karina Hendren
(916) 319-8352
Medi-Cal/Long-Term Care/Developmental Services
Will Owens
(916) 319-8341
Public Health/Behavioral Health/State Hospitals
Sonia Schrager Russo
(916) 319-8361
Juwan Trotter
(916) 319-8358
In-Home Supportive Services/Aging Programs
Ginni Bella Navarre
(916) 319-8342
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Human Services and Governance


Health and Human Services

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Department of Technology Services

April 28, 2005 - Presented to the Little Hoover Commission on April 28, 2005.


Children's Services Overview

March 16, 2005 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 On Health and Human Services


Part "D" Stands for "Deficit": How the Medicare Drug Benefit Affects Medi-Cal

March 15, 2005 - The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act, also referred to as the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) makes significant changes to the federal Medicare program. The implementation of the Medicare drug benefit component of MMA, known as Part D, is likely to cause significant net financial losses to the state for years and have other major programmatic impacts on Medi-Cal. We recommend some limited actions and strategies the Legislature can take to address these potential problems.


CalWORKs Program Overview Hearing

March 9, 2005 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1


Index of Information Technology Issues in the Analysis of the 2005-06 Budget Bill

February 24, 2005 - Index of Information Technology Issues in the Analysis of the Budget Bill, 2005-06


Proposition 99: Too Many Programs, Too Few Dollars

February 24, 2005 - We recommend the Legislature approve the Governor’s budget proposal for Proposition 99-funded programs, which shifts allocations of tobacco tax revenues to maximize resources for health programs and achieve General Fund savings. We further recommend that the Legislature begin this year to address the long-term issues posed by the present structure of Proposition 99.


Towards a More Systematic Rate-Setting Model for Regional Centers

February 24, 2005 - Our analysis finds that the way the state sets rates for vendors who provide community services for the developmentally disabled on the whole lacks a rational and consistent approach. We review how rates are set for these services and offer an improved and systematic approach that could achieve significant state savings.


Hospital Financing Plan Could Begin to Right Ailing System

February 24, 2005 - The state’s hospital system continues to face a variety of fiscal challenges that weigh particularly heavily on public hospitals. The administration is negotiating with the federal government for a comprehensive redesign of hospital financing as part of its Medi-Cal redesign package. Our review of the plan now under development suggests that it could help preserve the financial stability of public hospitals but also raises some significant fiscal and policy issues.


Medi-Cal Redesign Sound in Principle But Needs Further Development

February 24, 2005 - The seven-part administration redesign proposal would result in broad changes in Medi-Cal managed care as well as some more limited changes in benefits, cost-sharing, and eligibility administration. Overall, we find that the Governor’s proposals are conceptually sound but that the Legislature needs more information about some aspects of the package and that some refinements are warranted.


Child Care Reforms Merit Serious Consideration

February 24, 2005 - The Governor proposes a number of significant reforms to California’s subsidized child care system including eligibility restrictions, a new waiting list system, and tiered reimbursement rates. With certain qualifications, we support proposed eligibility and waiting list changes. Although tying reimbursement rates to quality makes sense, the Legislature may wish to consider alternative approaches which increase reimbursement rates for higher quality care rather than simply reducing reimbursement rates (as the Governor proposes) for lower quality care.


Reducing the Earned Income Disregard

February 24, 2005 - The Governor proposes to lower the grants for all working CalWORKs recipients, by reducing the amount of earned income which is disregarded (not counted) when determining a family’s grant. This proposal results in savings of $80 million and is likely to have minimal impact on the work incentive. We present alternative approaches which are likely to increase the work incentive but result in less budgetary savings.


Substantial Progress in Reducing Social Worker Caseloads

February 24, 2005 - In 2000, a legislatively mandated study found that it was difficult for social workers to provide services or maintain meaningful contact with children and their families because of the excessive numbers of cases they were expected to carry. Our analysis indicates California now meets or is approaching the three of the five workload standards in child welfare services.


Governor’s Data Center Consolidation Proposal Would Foreclose Legislative Oversight

February 24, 2005 - The Governor proposes to consolidate the state’s two largest data centers into the Department of Technology Services. A consolidated data center should ultimately result in improved services and reduced costs. A number of specific components of the proposal, however, would preempt the Legislature’s appropriation and oversight roles. For instance, the department’s expenditures would be controlled by administration officials outside the purview of the Legislature. Consequently, we recommend that the Legislature approve the consolidation but modify some key components.


State Needs Unified Strategic Approach to Homeland Security

February 24, 2005 - The state lacks a unified strategic approach to homeland security. The Office of Homeland Security and the Department of Health Services have not sufficiently coordinated their efforts. We make a number of recommendations to address these problems, including the development of a strategic plan and annual expenditure report.


Analysis of the 2005-06 Budget Bill, Health and Social Services Chapter

February 24, 2005 - Analysis of the 2005-06 Budget Bill, Health and Social Services Chapter