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Other Budget Issues

Last Updated: 1/24/2011
Budget Issue: Proposition 1B capital funding
Program: Department of Transportation
Finding or Recommendation: Approve the Governor's January budget request to appropriate $2.3 billion of bond funding to the Department of Transportation for various Proposition 1B programs. However, recommend the Legislature adjust the dollar amounts downward to reflect existing appropriations of bond funds provided in the current year, but not yet used. We are working with the department to determine the appropriate amount of adjustment.
Further Detail

The Governor's January budget requests to appropriate $2.3 billion of bond funding to the Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for various Proposition 1B programs. This level of funding is generally based on the schedules of approved projects in the programs. However, the funding request does not take into consideration existing appropriations of bond funds provided in the current year, but not yet used. Thus, Caltrans does not need the full $2.3 billion requested.

We recommend that the Legislature approve the request in concept, but reduce the total appropriation to reflect the unused current-year appropriations. We are continuing to work with Caltrans to determine the specific appropriation amounts that are needed for each bond program.