Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Fiscal Impacts of Proposition 47

Regardless of the administration’s ultimate decision on the transfer amount, the Legislature could chose to provide additional funding to the programs funded by the SNSF. HOW TO PAY FOR SNSF DEPOSIT IN 2016-17?

[PDF] 1945-47 Legislative Auditor's Report: Section II

. - 66- Departmen·t of Publia Health Chief of the Division of Preventive Medical Service ______________ (page 6(8) Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Tuberculosis __________________ (page (71) Eight war emergency positions extended on a permanent basis for . the Division of Laboratories ________________________________ (page (76) Chief of the Division of Environmental Sanitation ______________

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Judicial

The council expects to complete the study of the superior courts in January, 1947, then transfer the personnel to a study of the Penal Code which should take approximately six months. For the Fiscal Year 1947-48, there is remaining the requested study of the traffic courts and inferior courts.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: State Employees' Retirement System

We recommend that the am01mt requested by Item 30 be approved as budgeted and be made available to the D1:vision of Administrative Proced1~res, Department of Professional and Vocational Standards upon the transfer to that Department of the d1dies and functions of the Codification Board.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: State Board of Equalization

It is recommended that the IJosition of Associate Administrative Analyst requested as a reclassification of the position of Administrative - 364- Aid be transferred from the Retail Sales Tax Division to the General Administration Divis1:on.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Natural Resources

Such a transfer has not been made, and will be dependent upon action by the Legislature. Salaries and Wages Estimated increases total $500, or 2.5 percent. No additional POSl- tions are requested but there is an increase in temporary help of $500 for the Indian Museum.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Index

For Services of San Francisco Firemen Item 340 for services of City and County of San Francisco firemen, $12,000. We recommend approval of the amount requested. For Construction and Improvement Item 341, for construction and improvements, $50,000.

[PDF] 1948 Budget Analysis: Judicial

We further recommend that the statistics kept by the Judicial Ooun- cil on the cases handled by the judges be improved particularly in regard to the reasons for transfers of judges from one court to another, and the reasons which make such transfers necessary.

[PDF] 1948 Budget Analysis: EXECUTIVE

3 and being transferred to the Disaster Council under the title of Field Representative as an exempt position with a salary of $600 per month. Incidentally, this position carries more salary than the Disaster Council Secretary who is scheduled at only $466.66 in comparison.