Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Military Department

The;major increase in the'. department's budget is due to a combina- . tioll of salaries' and wages increases and military promotions offset by transferring salaries and wages of the security guards to the federal government. 332 Military Department-Continued Automotive Maintenance In our analysis or the 1959-60 Budget we recommended that the Adjutant General and the Department

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Natural Resources

In arguing for the transfer of protection responsibility of the Butte lVIeadows and Calaveras areas from the U.S. Forest Service to the division, it was represented that the cost to the State would be comparable or less than that paid to the U.S.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Public Health

However, the commissioners still disagreed among themselves to the point that the Legislature in 1957 decided to abolish the commission and transfer its duties, personnel, and funds to the State Department of Public Health effective September 12, 1957.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

No.2 Co-operative Investigation 2 --t 61,880 79,306 Upper Tule River Co-operative Investigation --------------- 1 --+ 1,101 3,899 Shasta County Co-operative Investigation --------------- 2 --+ 27,774 8,559 Upper Feather River Basin Investigation --------------- 2 --+ 82,935 Branscomb Investigation _________ 2 * 49,874 63,511 Southern Tuolumne Oounty Co-operative Investigation ____ 2 --t 26,859

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

Budget Bill Budget page 960 FOR ASSISTANCE TO COUNTIES FOR TUBERCULOSIS SANITORIA FROM THE GENERAL FUND Amount requested ______________________________________________ $4,763,890 Estimated to be expended in 1959-60 fiscal year ____________________ 4,564,060 Increase (4.4 percent) __________________________________________ $199,830 TOT A L R ECO M MEN D E D RED U CT ION __________________________

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

The court has jurisdiction over certain original proceedings and hears appeals transferred from the Supreme Court. It is composed of three divisions of three justices each and is currently supported by a staff of 31.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Industrial Relations

According to its current published directory, the department, in addition to its headquarters offices in San Francisco, maintains branch offices in 24 other California cities, in which from one to several of the divisions maintains field and clerical personnel.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: State Fire Marshal

We believe additionally that the assignment of positions to one or the other of the three cities in which law offices are maintained is a matter of administrative decision made in response to shifting work- load.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

These allocations are discussed as sepa- rate budget proposals: Group 2 Community services, including state clinics and state-local community services ~edical research Family care Out-of-state deportation and institution transfers Transportation of patients and other persons committed to state hospitals Bureau of Patients' Accounts One of the major sections, of those listed in Group 1 above, is the Bureau of Patients' Accounts.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Military

The latter division is the one with which the public is most familiar as, through its 137 branch offices and 39 mobile branches established for their convenience, it provides the public with driver license examinations, registration, title application and transfer serv- ices.