Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Natural Resources

In addition to the amounts which may have been expended or obli- gated in excess of actual appropriations or revenues, the Auditor General reported to the Senate committee tliat the Olympic Commis- sion, with the approval of the Department of Finance, overpaid the organizing committee in the amount of $585,000, money which should not have been transferred under the terms of Senate Bill 1.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Public Health

alth education in personal and community hygiene should be part of any health needs program and should be carried on in the fringe areas of our cities, at labor camps, and other areas containing con- centrations of migratory workers. 4.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Public Works

This was entirely at the state level and had no direct relationship to local, city and county building codes. The second mission was the publication of a single document which would list all state requirements, from whatever source, concerning construction and building.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Veterans Affairs

We recommend that in lieu of 1'eplacing this car through the department's budget allocation, the division arrange to 'use a De- partment of Finance pool car on a permanent assign1nent basis and transfer the existing vehicle to the Department of Finance.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Water Resources

The major portion of the request for the Operation and Maintenance Program next fiscal year is $1,767,441 for existing activities which have been in the Division of Design and Construction in past years and which are being transferred into the new Division of Operations.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

The local jurisdiction in which an operation is located, which may be a city or county, finances the remaining one- half of support costs and the total cost for capital outlay. In addition, 'local organization and control is maintained in the actual operation.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Subventions

Since that time transfers to the General Fund have been made in the following amounts: 971

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

However, because of a statu- tory requirement that a veterinarian administer the division in which Dairy Service is located, it has not been possible to transfer it from the Division of Animal Industry to the new Division of Dairy Industry.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Highway Patrol

By legislative action, transfer the school bus inspection function to the Department of Motor Vehicles. Some savings would result but would require additional training for the Department of Motor Vehicles personnel.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Fire Marshal

The State Fire Marshal assists local authorities with the inspection of private mental facilities, public assembly areas and schools; reviews plans for and inspects all state institutions; assists the Department of Public Health with its inspection of private welfare facilities and private and public hospitals; reviews public school draw- ings for the Division of Architecture; assists the