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[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: INDEX

1968 Budget Analysis: INDEX INDEX A Advisory Commission on Indian Affairs (Miscellaneous) _________________ _ Advisory Commission on the Status of Women ___________________________ _ Aeronautics, Division of (Public Works) _______________________________ _ Agency Administrators _________________________________________ ~ ______ _ Agricultural Commissioners, County (Local Assistance)

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Letter of Transmittal

The estimated income to the General Fund for 1969-70 is comprised of $4,323.1 million in revenues, discussed in detail in later sections of this analysis, and $2.9 million in transfers into the General Fund from other state funds.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

This appearance of nominal increase is explained by the transfer of $85,940 for a research project from the Department of Agriculture budget in 1968-69 to the University of California's budget in 1969-70.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Controller

This amount understates the actual increase, because the Economic Development Agency (5.8 positions) and the 518 Department of Finance-Continued Local Planning unit (seven positions) were transferred to other agen- cies during 1968.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

Shown as an ad- ministrative adjustment in this division is the transfer of one senior tax representative from the Division of Law Enforcent to the Division of Criminal Law. This division also has budgeted $62,730 to provide for adjustments in the salary steps of entry level attorney classes in which recruitment problems exist. 1 Senior tax representative ____________________________ $10,356 We recommend abolishment of this position.


First, the medical deputy directer position is transferred to the Vet- erans' Home budget item to be consistent with the actual assignment of the position. Second, the reduction in Division of Farm and Home 841 Veterans Affairs Item 288 Department of Veterans Affairs-Continued Loan positions is reaffirmed in this budget.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

In 1944 the Legislature, in establishing the State Teachers' Retire- ment System, recognized that the system is superseded was actuarially unsound and that the assets of the transferred system were insufficient to meet its obligations.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL

Transfers are made usually upon actual ex- penditure to conserve cash. Assuming only $17;l million is therefore actually transferred from the General Fund to the COPHE fund, then $92.1 million, or $109.2 million less $17.1 million, will be carried for- ward into 1970-71 instead of being expended in 1969-70.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Judicial Branch

One means at the court's disposal was to transfer certain cases to the courts of appeal. This method has been and is being utilized. Other methods have been to provide additional staff and improve procedures for more efficient utilization of judicial time.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

This staffing level is now possible through the transfer of the 20 posie tions from the Department of General Services. The major sections of the office are Planning, Research and Technology,· Implementation, Standards and Procedures and Evaluation.