Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Commerce

The following agencies were transferred to the department in 1968. 1. The Economic Development AgencY which formerly was part ot the Department of Finance. 2. The California World Trade Coordinating Council, the San Fran- cisco World Trade Center Authority, and the Southern California World Trade Center Authority were all consolidated into a World Trade Division within the Department of Commerce. 3.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Corrections

The department has transferred two positions into this division from general administration and has substituted an existing deputy director position for the former position. of chief, Division of Delinquency Prevention.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Military Department

The facilities to be closed are located at Nevada City, Pasadena, Placerville, Quincy and Yreka. Air National Guard The federal government determines the troop and officer strength of the Air National Guard.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Regulation and Licensing

How- ever, where citizens are unable to secure adequate insurance at reason- able rates in city areas where a riot potential exists it can result in further deterioration of these city areas and a mounting economic loss to the state.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Transportation Agency

Discontinuance of this program was based on the administration's decision to strengthen local government control and autonomy by transferring the responsibility for local programs to the cities and counties.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Executive

This bill proposed removing the ownership of executive branch computers (excluding the California State Colleges and the University of California) from the individual departments and establishing a Department of Data Processing Operations.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: General Administration

Augmentation transferred to Item 39 from the ,l\Iotor Vehicle E'und_____________________ 2,049,263 Total _ _ ____ __ _ __ ______ __ ___ ________________ _ ____ _ $25,441,263 The $25,441,263 requested for the budget year is $683,469 or 2.8 per- cent above estimated expenditures .

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Business

Should conditions in core areas of cities permit termination of the federal reinsurance program by 1978 as presently planned, 75 percent of the remaining accumulated premium payments will be refnnded to the state.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Transportation

The transferred officers should fill positions that would otherwise be filled by newly trained officers and not further expand authorized officer positions. 'rhe first-year savings, including benefits, would be about $7,293 pel' officer transferred and civilian specialist hired.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Resources

Chapter 1527, Stat- utes of 1970, authorized the department to dispose of the property to the City of San Francisco. The department has had preliminary dis- cussions on the transfer, but no agreement has been reached.