Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

The estimated cost for land acquisition is $92,000 in Redwood City and $106,000 in San Jose. The estimate for working drawings and con- struction at Redwood City is $358,000 and $390,150 at San Jose.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Resources

Instead, it appears merely to be based on the department's long standing philosophy that most of the coastline should be in public ownership. Meanwhile the department is not now using the systems developed pursuant to legislative directive to select acquisition projects for pur- chase under the 1964 Park Bond Act.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Cal-Jobs

A total of $286,086 of the $406,988 will be transferred to the State Job Develop- ment Loan Guarantee Fund and the balance, $120,902, will be used for support of staff and for the Small Business Assistance Program.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Corrections

A total of 45.3 proposed new positions plus two transferred from the reception and diagnosis program, at a total salary cost of $618,573, are reqllired to provide the expanded psychiatric treatment services.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

There are currently 56 counties and two cities maintaining approved Short-Doyle programs. The Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS) authorizes Short-Doyle pro- grams to deliver up to 10 different mental health services which are eligible for 90 percent state reimbursement.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay

The offsite utility work in the Ventura Community College District is at Oxnard College and is for the installation of a sanitary sewer on Oxnard city property. The cost of installation is to be shared equally between the district and the city.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Executive

The coordinator has been transferred from the Lieutenant Governor's office and is being funded by equal contributions from each of the four secretaries' offices. There is a substantial shifting of titles and incumbents in existing positions but the three positions identified above represent the new functions being added.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Resources

For example, in the Yuba City levee break of 1955 the state was held liable for $6 million in damages. The Brannon-Andrus levee break of 1972 is expected to result in litigation which may involve the state.

[PDF] 1973 Budget Analysis: Index

Local Assistance, 77 Law Enforcement Consolidated Data Center, 69 Legal Services Program, 57 L Land Conservation; 453 Law Enforcement Consolidated Data Center, 69 Law Revision Commission, 3 Legal Services Program (Justice), 57 Legislative Claims, 198 Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2 Legislators' Retirement Fund, 5 Legislature, 1 Liability Claims, 94 Libraries, Division of (Education), 737 Lieutenant

[PDF] 1974 Budget Analysis: Executive

Recommend transfer of funds available on December 31, 1974, to statutory agency. 4. Defer Budget Approval. Recommend budget not be ap- proved until office reports on contract with Department of Housing and Urban Development. 5.