Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] However, there is some indication that the department is

However, there is some indication that the department is considering a land exchange with the City of Sacramento. Any such ex- change should be reviewed and approved by the Legislature. Existing State-Owned Sites Should be Utilized .

[PDF] The Governor's Budget proposes to transfer

The Governor's Budget proposes to transfer $28,000 to the Legislative Counsel Bureau from the funds available under the Political Reform Act of 1974 to provide a deputy legislative counsel (and related operating costs) to attend meetings of the Fair Political Practices Commission.

[PDF] For 1977-78, Item 373 re- quests $21 million, which provides $14

For 1977-78, Item 373 re- quests $21 million, which provides $14 million for cities and counties and $7 million for school districts. Revised Forml,lla for Subventions to Cities and Counties Chapter 658,Statutes·of 1976, revised the formula for open-space sub- ventions to cities and counties to increase the payments for lands near urban areas and decrease the· payments for remote lands.

[PDF] The draft focuses on three selected problem areas: urban sprawl,

The draft focuses on three selected problem areas: urban sprawl, the deterioration of central cities, and the competition for tax base among local jurisdictions. Public review of the draft has been encouraged through 13 workshops held throughout the' state during the summer and fall.

[PDF] The board and its staff also are responsible for establishing

The board and its staff also are responsible for establishing and administering on a reimbursement basis merit sys- tems for city and county welfare, public health and civil defense em- ployees to ensure compliance with federal requirements.

[PDF] For 1978-19, the budget requests $22 million, which provides $15

For 1978-19, the budget requests $22 million, which provides $15 million for counties and cities and $7 million for school districts. Presently, 47 counties and 18 cities have a statewide total of about 15.1 million acres of land under contract.

[PDF] Stationary Source Emissions Control, 342 Vehicle Inspection

Stationary Source Emissions Control, 342 Vehicle Inspection Program, 345 Vehicular Source Emissions Control, 342 Zero-Base Budgeting, 347 Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Department of, 455 Alcohol Prevention Project, 459 Angel dust, 462 California Labor Management Plan, 458 Drug Abuse Programs, 460 Marijuana Impact Legislation, 461 Zero-Base Budgeting, 462 Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board, 175

[PDF] Information comes from the departments on newly hired or

Information comes from the departments on newly hired or terminated employees, as well as changes in personal or employment status for existing employees, such as transfers, promotions; new dependents, and new addresses.

[PDF] PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES The property management services

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES The property management services program consists of nine separate program elements which relate to state ownership, use or regulation of real property. The elements and theIr related expenditures are listed in Table 3.

[PDF] This amount, which represents direct revenues received by the

This amount, which represents direct revenues received by the state from the sale of oil and gas produced from tidelands (principally located adjacent to the City of Long Beach), includes $77.8 million which the budget proposes to transfer to the General Fund.