Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] Maintenance of State Transfers An even more

Maintenance of State Transfers An even more significant effect on the state's revenue sharing allocation could result from changes in the amount of intergovernmental transfers from the state to local governments.

[PDF] The transfers result- ing from the new

The transfers result- ing from the new classification system are now being completed. When the situa- tionhas stabilized, the department can better assess the changes in institutional security needs.

[PDF] That is, land under contract that had not undergone a

That is, land under contract that had not undergone a transfer of ownership was to be assessed according to its 1975 capitalized income (restricted) value, with the 2 percent inflation factor applied for each year after 1978-79.

[PDF] The complex was sold by the telephone company and is in private

The complex was sold by the telephone company and is in private ownership. Eleven families are now renting homes in this com- plex. The department plans to use 36 houses for staff housing and modify 17 houses for inmate housing.

[PDF] Under the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (the

Under the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (the Williamson Act), cities and counties may enter into contracts with landowners to restrict the use of property to open-spaceahd agricultural use.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Legislative

CONTRIBUTIONS TO LEGISLATORS' RETIREMENT FUND The budget proposes to transfer $792,000 from the General Fund to the Legislators' Retirement Fund in 1983-84 as the state's (employer's) contri- bution toward members' retirement, This is an increase of $72,000, or 10 percent, above estimated current-year contributions, The increase is an- ticipated as a result of the growth in membership on the part of newly- elected legislators.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Corrections

Item 5240 YOUTH AND ADULT CORRECTIONAL / 1219 Transfer of Youth Training School to CDC. The budget proposes to transfer the California Youth Authority's Youth Training School (YTS) in Chino to the Department of Corrections, in order to increase the state's prison capacity.

[PDF] 1983-84 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

Second, this section provides for a June 30, 1984 transfer into or out of the reserve, depending on the status of the 1983-84 year-end General Fund balance. If the General Fund has a deficit, this section would provide for a transfer from the reserve to the General Fund in order to eliminate or reduce the deficit.

[PDF] 1984-85 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

In addition, Ch 904/80 provided for an annual transfer of up to $42 million from the SAFCO from 1982-83 through 1985-86 in order to partially offset the General Fund revenue loss. This section would eliminate this transfer for 1984-85.

[PDF] 1985-86 Budget Analysis: Youth and Adult Correctional

Section 2684 provides the Department of Corrections the discretion to transfer a mentally ill inmate to Atascadero for evaluation if the departxnent believes rehabilitation may be expedited by treatment.