Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] 1985-86 Budget Analysis: Tax Relief

The state also puts a lien on the property to assure that the taxes are paid when the property is transferred. Thus, under the program, the state essentially provides a loan to the eligible property owners, which is to be repaid when the property is sold.

[PDF] 1985-86 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

Second, this section provides for a June 30, 1986 transfer into or out of the reserve, depending on the status of the General Fund balance on that date. If the General Fund has a deficit, this section would provide for a transfer from the reserve to the General Fund in order to eliminate or reduce the deficit.

[PDF] The 1985-86 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

In 1975, the state and the City of Long Beach sued the consortium of oil companies (known as THUMS) that produce oil on state lands in Long Beach.. The suit alleges that THUMS conspired to fix bil prices that were the basis for payments to the statelcity for oil produced from 1962 through 1977.

[PDF] 1986-87 Budget Analysis: Youth and Adult Correctional

The budget indicates that the mental health hospital population will increase in 1986-87, in part due to increases in the new Mentally Disord- ered Offender population and the transfer of 100 Department of Correc- tions inmates.

[PDF] 1986-87 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

Section 11.50 also transfers $22.5 million from the SAFCO to the Roberti- Z'berg-Harris Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program Account. Cur- rent law specifies that an amount equal to $1.50 per capita should be transferred to this account from the SAFCO in 1986-87.

[PDF] 1986-87 Budget Analysis: Index

lITi, 359 ' Secretary for: Business; Transportation and Housing, 26 Health and Welfare, 28 ' Resources; 30 State ana Consumer Services, 24, , Youth and Adult Correctional Agency, 32 Secretary of Environmental Affairs (See Air Resources Board) Secretary of State, 92 , Seismic, Safety Commission, 454 Senior' Citizen Reriters' Tax Assistance, 1691 Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance, 1688 Senior

[PDF] 1987-88 Budget Analysis: Executive

Transfer of Fingerprint Fees to the General Fund We recommend the Department of Finance report tathe Legislature prior to budget hearings on the rationale for transferring $3 million of a surplus in the FingerprintFeesAccount to the General Furidratherthan lowering the fee for fingerprint services. , . .. .

[PDF] 1987-88 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

Section 3.00 3.50 3.70 5.00 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 8.51 9.00 9.20 1'1.51 12.50 13.00 18.10 21.00 24.00 24.10 26.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 29.50 31.00 32.00 33.00 34.00 35.00 36.00 Subject Area Budget· Act Definitions and Statutory Salaries Employee Benefits Recapture of Telephone Rental Costs Attorney Fees-State Courts Oversight of Consultant Contracts Transfer of Amounts Within

[PDF] The remaining increase results in part from the

The remaining increase results in part from the transfer of $604,000 from Item 0420, Salaries of Trial Court Judges, for compensation and expenses of judges who serve on assignment in the superior courts.

[PDF] The reimbursement categories are as follows: • "$8 Per Acre

The reimbursement categories are as follows: • "$8 Per Acre Urban Prime "-for land that is either (a) within an incorporated city with a population of 25,000 or more, or (b) within three miles of a city with such a population. • "$5 Per Acre Urban Prime"-for land that is either (a) within an ·incorporated city with a population between 15,000 and