Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] OUT analysis indicates that the department has understated the

OUT analysis indicates that the department has understated the amount of revenues which must be transferred from the General Fund to the LACERF in 1988-89. Current law appears torequire that this transfer be based on actual revenue collected in 1986-87 under the Substandard Housing Program, minus Franchise Tax Board's (FTB's) projected costs for administering the program.

[PDF] The consultant's report, submitted to the Legislature in July

The consultant's report, submitted to the Legislature in July 1988, concluded that there were significant opportunities for revenue genera- tion from state property in the project area (the City of San Diego and surrounding communities).

[PDF] We further recommend that all penalty assessment revenues be

We further recommend that all penalty assessment revenues be transferred to the General Fund where they would be available to the Legislature for appropriation to various programs through the annual budget process.

[PDF] The additional tax revenues generated by these disallowances are

The additional tax revenues generated by these disallowances are transferred from the General Fund to the Local Agency Code Enforcenient and Rehabilitation Fund (LAC- ERF). The State Controller distributes these funds to the cities and counties in which the code violations occurred, to be used for code enforcement, housing rehabilitation and related activities.

[PDF] The 1989-90 Budget: Perspectives and Issues

These proceeds are transferred into a special fund prior to their expenditure for purposes designated by the acts. OVERVIEW Table 4 shows that General Fund revenues are projected to total $36 billion in 1988-89 and $38.9 billion in 1989-90.

[PDF] As a result, the funds budgeted for consulting services have

As a result, the funds budgeted for consulting services have been either transferred for other, unbudgeted uses, or· reverted back to the General Fund. Table 3 shows the amounts budgeted and expended for consulting services for ST A TSCAN. since ·1986-87.

[PDF] The projects have produced various manuals and guides for use by

The projects have produced various manuals and guides for use by cities, schools, and businesses in preparing for and recovering from earthquake damage. The projects have also sponsored conferences and worked with local planners to increase awareness of earthquake hazards and to develop regional response and rescue plans.

[PDF] Notwithstanding any other provision of law: ' 001 General Fund

Notwithstanding any other provision of law: ' 001 General Fund (1) An amount of $1,538,000 is hereby reappropriated from amounts re- turned to the General Fund from previou~ transfers made to the, Architectural Revolving Fund.

[PDF] The budget proposes to eliminate the Teacher Education program,

The budget proposes to eliminate the Teacher Education program, which is budgeted $419,000 from the General Fund in 1989-90, and transfer the program's funding support to the Graduate Equity Fellow- ship program.

[PDF] The budget requests $196,000 from the General Fund for

The budget requests $196,000 from the General Fund for transfer to the Substandard Housing program in 1990-91, a decrease of 29 percent from the current year. The requested amount, however, is based on prelimi- nary estimates by the Department of Finance of the amount of revenue from disallowed tax deductions that was collected in 1988-89.