Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Reform the alternative minimum tax (AMT)

The AMT procedure requires determining the taxpayer’s “tentative minimum tax”—the calculation of which excludes or limits certain tax preference items. The tentative minimum tax is then compared to the regular PIT liability, with any excess of tentative minimum tax over the regular PIT liability representing the AMT.

[PDF] Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute: Changes Requirements for Certain Property Owners to Transfer Their Property Tax Base to Replacement Property.

When an existing homeowner buys a new home which is taxed at current market value, their property tax payment for their new home often is higher than for their old home.  Higher Property Taxes May Discourage Some Movers.

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act

The AMT procedure requires determining the taxpayer’s “tentative minimum tax”—the calculation of which excludes or limits certain tax preference items. The tentative minimum tax is then compared to the regular PIT liability, with any excess of tentative minimum tax over the regular PIT liability representing the AMT.

2009 Initiative Analysis: The Local Voter Control & Government Accountability Act

Special Taxes Under the Constitution, local governments may impose or increase taxes (other than ad valorem property taxes) and earmark their funds for use for a specific purpose. The Constitution refers to these taxes as "special taxes " and requires local governments to obtain approval from two-thirds of their voters before imposing or increasing them.

2004 Recommended Legislation Transportation

2004 Recommended Legislation Transportation Increase and Index the State Gas Tax Recommendation Increase the state excise tax on gasoline and diesel fuel to provide a stable funding source to replace Proposition  42 revenue and index the tax to prevent erosion of the tax's value over time.

[PDF] Expands Requirement for Supermajority Approval to Enact New Revenue Measures. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

The largest local government revenue source is the property tax, which raises $60 billion annually. Other local taxes include sales taxes, utility taxes, and hotel taxes. In addition, local government budgets are funded through fees and other charges.  Vote Thresholds for Increasing Local Taxes and Fees.

[PDF] Expands Requirement for Supermajority Approval to Enact New Revenue Measures. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.

The largest local government revenue source is the property tax, which raises $60 billion annually. Other local taxes include sales taxes, utility taxes, and hotel taxes. In addition, local government budgets are funded through fees and other charges.  Vote Thresholds for Increasing Local Taxes and Fees.

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Franchise Tax Board (1730)

LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: General Government, Franchise Tax Board (1730) Franchise Tax Board (1730) The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) is one of the state's two major tax collection agencies. The FTB's primary responsibility is to administer California's Personal Income Tax and Corpor ation Tax laws.

[PDF] Financing Parole Realignment: Questions and Answers

Almost one-half of the water and waste districts, however, also receive some property tax revenues. Under current law in 2008-09, we es- timate that these districts will receive about $370 million in property taxes from the base 1 percent property tax rate (the tax rate levied on all property in California under Proposition 13).

The 2014–15 Budget: Pilot Program to Improve Property Tax Administration

The 2014–15 Budget: Pilot Program to Improve Property Tax Administration Property Tax Administration—State Perspective Though considered a local tax, the property tax has a major impact on the state ’s budget.