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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Criminal Justice

124 results

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Accommodating the State's Inmate Population Growth [Publication Details]

Dec 28, 1995 - Based on available information, the state's five-year capital outlay needs total in the tens of billions of dollars. It is essential that the state develop a comprehensive plan to address these statewide needs in a timely and cost effective manner. A critical element of the state's capital needs is the state's prison system.

The New Prison Construction Program at Midstream [Publication Details]

Apr 1, 1986 - During the past several years, the Legislature has authorized a major expansion of the state's prison system. This expansion provides for 12 new prisons and additions to existing prisons which will cost more than $1.5 billion to build and about $750 million annually to operate. This report examines the Department of Corrections' progress in bringing these prisons on line.

Court Requires Further Improvements in Inmate Health Care [Publication Details]

Feb 24, 2005 - In September 2004, a federal court issued an order requiring further improvements in CDC’s inmate health care delivery system. We believe the Governor’s budget year proposal is consistent with the court order.

A Perspective on Emergencies and Disasters in California [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2006 - The Governor’s budget contains proposals for increased spending of $61 million ($54 million General Fund) in the budget year related to the state’s emergency preparedness and response—primarily for public health and agricultural emergencies.