Results for 서울시 tax

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Legislative Analyst's Office: Recent Economy and Taxes Publications

The 2023-24 Budget: California's Film Tax Credit This brief surveys research on the economic effects of state film tax credits and analyzes the Governor's proposal to extend California's film tax credit for five years.

[PDF] The 1991-92 Budget: Perspctives and Issues

Example: Combine the State's Tax Agencies. The state maintains two separate agencies to administer and collect its primary taxes. The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) administers the personal income tax and the bank and corporation tax, and the Board of Equalization (BOE) administers the sales tax, gasoline tax, and various other excise taxes.

[PDF] This report has been prepared in response to the requirement set

This is because state income tax payments can be deducted from income on federal income tax returns. For example, an investor in the 40-percent tax bracket who received a $5,000 solar pump credit would end up with tax benefits totaling only $3,000 since his federal tax liability -12- would increase by $2,000 due to the state tax credit.

The 2011-12 Budget: Achieving General Fund Relief From Transportation Funds [Publication Details]

Jan 25, 2011 - However, the passage of ballot measures in November 2010 potentially undoes portions of the tax swap package. In response to these ballot measures, the Governor’s January 2011-12 budget proposes statutory changes to recapture the use of transportation funds to help balance the state’s budget.

[PDF] Informational Hearing on Tax Expenditures

There are more than 80 TEPs relating to income taxes. Of these, Personal Income Tax (PIT) TEPs total over $35 billion, while Cor- poration Tax (CT) TEPs total over $4 billion (see pages 2 and 3). The Sales and Use Tax (SUT) has about 95 TEPs worth over $9 billion (see page 4).

[PDF] Property tax assessment.

Property taxes are paid based on the taxable value of the property. Property taxes are a major revenue source for local governments, raising about $75 billion per year statewide. How Is a Property Tax Bill Calculated?

[PDF] California's Property Tax

County property taxes allocated to schools generally offset state General Fund spending for K-14 programs. Property Tax Revenue California’s Three Major Taxes Raise Similar Amounts General Fund K-14 Education

[PDF] Alcoholic Beverages Initiative

This measure would increase excise taxes on beer, wine, and distilled spirits sold in California. Excise and Sales Taxes. An excise tax is a fixed amount levied on a per unit basis. Current state law imposes an excise tax on alcoholic beverages.

[PDF] Protection of Local School Revenues Act of 2014 (Amendment #2-S)

Under the changes in property tax allocation laws, the redirected property tax revenue is deposited into a countywide fund for schools, the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF). The property tax revenue from ERAF is distributed to nonbasic aid schools and community colleges, reducing the state’s General Fund obligations.

2013 Initiative Analysis: Protection of Local School Revenues Act of 2014 (Amendment #2-S)

Under the changes in property tax allocation laws, the redirected property tax revenue is deposited into a countywide fund for schools, the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF). The property tax revenue from ERAF is distributed to nonbasic aid schools and community colleges, reducing the state ’s General Fund obligations.