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1996-97 Budget Perspectives and Issues: Major Issues Facing the Legislature

The state also is experimenting with private ownership and operation of roads. Under the provisions of Ch 107/89 (AB 680, Baker), four pilot projects of this nature have been aut horized. The first has just opened--a toll road project in southern California.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: General Government Chapter

In 1995, the administra- tion transferred the responsibility to manage this project from the DSS to the HWDC in order to resolve serious implementation problems. The proposed budget includes $37.9 million to continue project development in 1997-98, including an increase of $11.1 million.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Part 1

Eliminate the ALRB and Transfer its Remaining Duties to the PERB In view of Agricultural Labor Relations Board's persistently light workload, we recommend legislation eliminating the board and transferring its duties to the Public Employment Relations Board.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Part 1

The Governor's budget proposes to transfer to county ownership 5,549 personal computers and 488 printers which were (or will have been) acquired by the state for the CWS/CMS project, and which are currently owned by the state.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Part 3

In 1991-92, $700,000 in surplus funds that had been raised to build the Vietnam veterans memorial was transferred to the commission to assist with the construction of the new memorial to all California war veterans.

1997-98 Budget Analysis, General Government Departments Major Issues

Local Government Financing The Governor's budget proposes to subvene $110 million (General Fund) to cities and counties. Almost all of this amount ($100 million) would go for continuation of the Governor's COPS program enacted last year of funds available; $75 million would be distributed to cities and counties for police and sheriffs' patrol services.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: Health & Social ServicesChapter

The viral load test, however, is currently funded by cities and counties using federal Ryan White Care Act Title I funds (and in some cases Title II funds). Thus, the budget proposal gener- ally represents a cost shift from local governments to the state.

Health and Social Services Departmental Issues

The viral load test, however, is currently funded by cities and counties using federal Ryan White Care Act Title I funds (and in some cases Title II funds). Thus, the budget proposal generally represents a cost shift from local g overnments to the state.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill

As noted previously, the 1991 realignment legislation significantly altered the financing of health and social services programs by transferring funding for all or part of several mental health, public health, and social services programs to the counties.

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget BillK-12 Education, Budget Issues

These results include: Transfers From Private Schools. We asked districts how many children, if any, transferred from private schools to public schools as a result of CSR. We estimate that at least 0.5  percent of students in CSR classes transferred from private schools.