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1997-98 Budget Analysis: Property Taxes--Why Some Local Governments Get More Than Others

1997-98 Budget Analysis: Property Taxes--Why Some Local Governments Get More Than Others X City provides service or pays others to provide service. Z City is partly responsible for providing or paying for service.

1997-98 Budget Analysis: The "COPS" Program

Each county auditor and city treasurer must create a separate COPS fund. County auditors must allocate COPS monies to cities, the sheriff and district attorney. Expenditure Reports. Each county auditor and city treasurer must provide monthly and annual reports on COPS expenditures to their SLEOC, local governing board, and their sheriff or police chief.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: III Perspectives on State Revenues Chapter

The annual average growth in revenues (excluding transfers and including Local Public Safety Fund revenues) over the past decade has been faster for special funds (11 percent) than for the General Fund (4.1 percent).

LAO Analysis of the 1997-98 Budget Bill Resources Departmental Issues, Part II

Specifically, the proposed budget includes language (i n Item 3640-311-0140) directing the Controller to transfer any funds necessary from the ELPF to the HCF in order to preclude a transfer from the General Fund to meet the requiremen ts of Proposition  117.

[PDF] LAO 1997 Budget Analysis: Transportation Chapter

Still, we believe that it is appropriate that statewide funds—the SHA—should contribute to toll bridge retrofit, because toll bridges are part of the state highway system, intended to benefit the state by facilitat- ing travel and commerce between cities.

Press Release--Highlights of the 1998-99 Analysis and P&I;

Mass Transportation Funding Faces Shortfall The Public Transportation Account which funds intercity rail service, mass transportation programs, and transit capital improvements, faces a projected deficit in 1998-99 and will require a transfer of State Highway Account funds to stay in balance.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Criminal Justice Departmental Issues 1

We recommend that OIG's existing funct ions be transferred to other CDC units and to the Youth and Adult Correctional Agency (YACA) Inspector General. We see no justification for CDC to continue operating two auditing u nits.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill General Goverment Departmental Issues 2

The data center's proposal is to purchase hardware for increased capa city, consulting services for testing, and general overhead expenses. At the time this analysis was prepared, we had not received documentation to justify this request.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill General Government Departmental Issues 3

Second, if the department decides to implement one of these technologies to establish a 3-1-1 telephone system statewide, it is essentially selecting a vendor which has ex clusive ownership and thus effectively eliminating competition.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill General Governent Overview Issues

Local Government Financing The Governor's budget proposes to subvene $112 million (General Fund) to cities and counties.  Almost all of this amount ($100 million) would go for continuation of the Citizen's Option for Public Safety (COPs) program created in 1996-97.