Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Health and Social Services Overview Issues

As noted previously, the 1991 realignment legislation significantly altered the financing of health and social services programs by transferring funding for all or part of several mental health, public health, and social services programs to the counties.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Higher Education Crosscutting Issues

The Master Plan calls for large numbers of students to attend community colleges for their first two years of college, and for UC and CSU to give preference to qualified communit y college students seeking to transfer.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Higher Education Departmental Issues 1

St udents who are not as prepared still have the opportunity to attend CSU or transfer to UC or CSU after attending a community college. Second, the Master Plan principles encourage the state to maximize the amount of educational services it can provide with available higher education resources.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill Information Technology Issues

Department Plans to Pilot Test Electronic Data Transfer. Electronic data transfer of insurance information would greatly enhance DMV's efficiency and effectiveness in implementing Chapter  1126 as it would virtually eliminate fraudulent insurance information.

LAO Analysis of the 1998-99 Budget Bill K12 Departmental Issues 2

Officials at the Department of Finance (DOF) give two main reasons for transferring more than half of Stage II funding into county welfare block grants. First, DOF officials state that they want to increase the flexibility given to CWDs in administering the overall CalWORKs program.

1998-99 Perspectives and Issues: Perspectives on State Expenditures Part III

Thus, in order to avert a projected deficit, the budget proposes a transfer of $30.5  million from SHA. Even with the proposed transfer, however, there will not be sufficient funds remaining in the account at the end of 1998-99 to pay for all remaining outstanding commitments (estimated at $62  million).

[PDF] LAO 1998 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay Chapter

The prison system also includes 14 community correctional facilities operated by private firms, cities, or counties under contract with the CDC and two county jails leased and operated by the department.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Budget Analysis: Resources Chapter

Additionally, it is not clear if there are any toxic wastes on the property that must be cleaned up before the property is transferred to the state. Without knowing when the property (1) will be under state ownership and (2) can be expected to be used, it is premature to solicit bids for a concession.

[PDF] LAO 1998 Budget Analysis: Transportation Chapter

Currently, a bus service connects the two cities. We believe that the request is prema- ture. Based upon conversations with the private railroad company repre- sentative, an operating agreement needs to first be negotiated between the Overview A - 47 Legislative Analyst’s Office railroad and Caltrans/Amtrak for use of the tracks.