Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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[PDF] Overview of the Governor's Special Session Proposals

By con‑ solidating these program responsibilities at the county level, and giving counties significant pro‑ gram control and an ongoing revenue stream, we think California could achieve greater program outcomes and significant budgetary savings.

[PDF] Major Financial Legislation Enacted in 1988

Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Chapter 1573 -- Assembly Bill 2788 (Harris) and Chapter 1574 -- Assembly Bill 2833 (Katz) These acts provide additional rights and safeguards to tax- payers. Chapter 1573 deals with the Personal Income Tax law and the Bank and Corporation Tax law, both administered by the Franchise Tax Board.

The 2022-23 Budget: Department of Justice Proposals

Feb 11, 2022 - However, certain counties and cities benefit significantly more than others. Specifically, while 12 counties and 8 cities currently use their own resources to support local criminal laboratories, 46  counties generally do not have to use any of their resources for criminal laboratory services.

Proposition 17 [Ballot]

Nov 3, 2020 - Fiscal Effects Increased Ongoing County Costs. Proposition  17 would increase the number of people who can register to vote and vote in elections. This would increase ongoing workload for county election officials in two main ways.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Introduction: K-12 Education

Despite the general downward trend in enrollment growth, significant variation is expected to occur across counties. For example, over the next eight years, K –12 enrollment in Los Angeles County is expected to decline by about 200,000 students (a 13 percent decline), whereas K –12 enrollment counts in Riverside County are expected to increase by about 170,000 students (a 39 percent increase).

[PDF] Constitutional Amendment

A uniform local tax rate of 1.25 percent is levied in all counties, and local governments are authorized to levy an optional additional tax of not to exceed 1.5 percent. Currently, total sales tax rates range from 7.25 percent to 8.5 percent.

U.S. Retail Sales Update: October 2021 [EconTax Blog]

Nov 16, 2021 - U.S. retail sales (seasonally adjusted) grew 1.7 percent from September to October. Retail sales remain elevated due to dramatic growth in January and March.

[PDF] Recent Homelessness-Related Augmentations and Oversight

Cities and Counties. Cities and counties make land use decisions in their communities. While some cities and counties operate their own housing and homelessness programs, often times, they rely on federal and state funding to support their programs.

[PDF] Fiscal Impact of Legalizing Marijuana

Legalizing marijuana would reduce the number of offenders under state and county correc- tional supervision, potentially saving several tens of millions of dollars annually. However, savings to county jails could be offset to the extent that jail beds no longer needed for marijuana of- fenders were used for other criminals who are now being re- leased early because of a lack of jail space.  Redirection of Court and Law Enforcement Resources.

LAO 2008 Budget Analysis: Department of Parks and Recreation (3790)

In order to achieve the savings in park operations, the administration proposes to eliminate 124 positions in park operations, closing 48 state parks, and reducing or eliminating lifeguards at state beaches in Orange, San Diego, and Santa Cruz Counties.