Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2001 Budget Analysis:Implementation of Proposition 36

Some or all of these funds could be transferred to the Substance Abuse Treatment Trust Fund created by the proposition. The Legislature also has the option of creating a separate s tate program providing grants to counties for local Proposition 36 implementation efforts.

2001 Budget Analysis:Child Health and Disability

Curbs General Fund costs in the CHDP program , potentially in the tens of millions of dollars annually, by transferring the cost of health care to the Healthy Families and Medi-Cal programs for which the fed eral government bears a significant share of the costs.

Highlights of the 2001-02 Analysis and P&I—Press Release

This could transfer an additional multibillion dollar respon sibility to the state in the long run. We make several recommendations to help the state appropriately limit this future funding liability and start containing other escalating court costs as well.

2001 Budget Analysis:Department of Toxic

General Fund Transfer for Hazardous Waste Management Program Not Justified The budget proposes a transfer of $1.2 million from the General Fund to support the Hazardous Waste Management Program. As a need for these funds in the budget year has not been ju stified, we recommend disapproval of the transfer.

2001 Budget Analysis:CALFED BayDelta Program

These issues include: The costs and benefits of EWA, and the program's impacts on the water transfer marketplace and groundwater resources. The appropriate state role in EWA, particularly in terms of funding.

2001 Budget Analysis:Secretary for Environmental Protection

The total increase of $3.7 million reflects (1) $1.3 million to design and test environmental management systems, (2) $900,000 to assist rural agencies implement the Certified Unif ied Program Agency (CUPA) program, and (3) $799,000 for positions (transferred from DTSC) to oversee the CUPA program.

2001 Budget Analysis:State Land Comission

Because the State Lands Commission has expended almost no money from t he fund since its creation in 1984, we recommend that the fund balance be transferred to the State Teachers' Retirement Fund, the original intended beneficiary of SLBF investments.

2001 Budget Analysis Special Transportation Programs (2640)

Potential fund sources for an augmentation include increasing STA's share of PTA revenues or an additional transfer of General Fund monies. Such an augmentation in operating assist ance, however, requires both a new state perspective on its role in regional and local transit service delivery and a commitment to continue providing substantive financial assista nce in the long term.

2001 Budget Analysis Department of Transportation (2660)

In general, these improvements are expected to improve on-time performance, reduce travel times between stations, and expand track capacity for additional round tr ips between cities. Figure 9 summarizes the estimated capital costs for each corridor as well as for the proposed new routes.

2001 Budget Analysis Department of Motor Vehicles (2740)

2001 Budget Analysis Department of Motor Vehicles (2740) Analysis of the 2001-02 Budget Bill Department of Motor Vehicles (2740) The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is responsible for protecting the public interest in vehicle ownership by registering vehicles, and for promoting public safety on California 's roads and highways by issuing driver licenses.