Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Developmental Services (4300)

The DDS operates two leased facilities to care for individuals with behavioral needs--the Sierra Vista facility, a 58-bed facility located in Yuba City, and the Canyon Springs facility, a 63-bed facility located in Cathedral City.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Mental Health (4440)

June 1991 —The Legislature enacted realignment, transferring to counties the responsibility and funding for Short-Doyle Act mental health programs. The Legislature did not, however, transfer to counties funding for AB 3632's categorical program.

2002 Budget Analysis: Health and Social Services, Department of Social Services CalWORKs Program (5180)

Method 2: Transfer Freed-Up TANF Funds Into the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG ) . The federal TANF block grant provisions allow California to transfer up to $373  million in TANF funds to the SSBG, also known as Title XX funds, under the condition that the transferred funds are spent on children or their families with incomes under 200  percent of poverty.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, State Water Resources Control Board (3940)

Rather than issue a separate permit to every city, regional boards generally issue a municipal stormwater permit to a county, with individual cities as "copermittees. " Issuing an areawide permit is more cost-efficient and is appropriate particularly when cities drain into a single county storm drain system.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Toxic Substances Control (3960)

Option to Transfer Funds From CPCFA to DTSC. As discussed above, due to the state's General Fund condition, most of the funding initially deposited in the CLEAN account has been transferred back to the General Fund.

2002 Budget Analysis: Resources, Department of Fish and Game (3600)

If the Legislatur e wishes to provide for a higher level of departmental review in the budget year, one option would be to transfer a portion of the ELPF balance (projected to be $9.6  million at the end of 2002-03) to the department for CEQA review.

2003 Budget Analysis: P&I, Part 1

Transfers. We have also referenced in the "Comments " section of those options where there is a more extensive discussion of them in the Analysis . Figure  1 lists the options for all program areas except for Proposition  98.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Developmental Services (4300)

We understand that DDS has offered to transfer a surplus parcel of land at Porterville to the CCC for a new Sequoia Base Center. In any case, because of the proposed DDS projects at Porterville, the CCC has submitted a capital outlay budget change proposal for $14.4  million for construction of a new Sequoia Base Center.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Department of Corrections (5240)

The prison system also includes 16 community correctiona l facilities operated by private firms, cities, or counties under contract with CDC. A new maximum-security prison is under construction adjacent to the existing North Kern State P rison in Delano.

LAO 2003 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay, Judicial Council (0250)

Summary of the Facilities Act Chapter  1082 provides for transfer of trial court facilities from counties to the state and a funding mechanism for their operation, maintenance, and renovation, and construction of new f acilities.