Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: California Coastal Commission

We find that many counties and cities in coastal areas assess permit fees up to a fe w million dollars for comparable development projects. Current Law Requires Transfer of Commission's Permit Fee and Penalty Revenues.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

For example, while BCDC assesses a $10,000 permit fee for a large project, many counties and cities in the Bay Area assess permit fees up to a few million dollars for comparable projects. Fees Should Fully Cover Permitting and Enforcement Costs.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: Delta Protection Commission

Therefore, we recommend that the Legislature shift the commi ssion's funding support from state funds to reimbursements from Delta local governments, including cities, counties, and regional reclamation districts.

LAO 2004 Budget Analysis: California Public Utilities Commission

This circumstance is referred to as the "digital divide. " The digital divide exists between those in cities and those in inner cities and rural areas, as well as between the educated and less well educated, and between economic classes.


The an- nual transfers can be suspended by the Governor during periods in which the state is facing fiscal shortfalls. Given the state’s ongoing structural shortfall, we have not added the costs of these transfers to our calcula- tion of future operating shortfalls.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Medi-Cal (4260)

Intergovernmental Transfers (IGTs) Used to draw down all federal DSH and supplemental funds for eligible public and private hospitals. Use of IGTs decreases significantly— generally limited to drawing down a portion of federal DSH funds.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (4280)

The Proposition  99 funds are transferred to the Major Risk Medical Insurance Fund, the source of support for the state's high-risk insurance program. Given the state's practice of budgeting a fixed amount of funding each year, the number of individuals enrolled in the program at any given time has been capped in order to remain within the available appropriation.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Department of Mental Health (4440)

The amounts transferred are to be based on an estimate of surcharge revenues. The amounts deposited into the fund are to be adjusted later to reflect the revenues actually received from the tax surcharge.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (5180)

In order to free up the TANF funds needed for the proposed transfers shown in Figure  1, the budget proposes grant reductions and other changes discussed later in this chapter. We note that the Legislature rejected similar proposals to transfer TANF funds to Title XX to offset costs in Foster Care and Developmental Services last year.

LAO 2005 Budget Analysis: Proposition 69-DNA Collection

On the other hand, CDC's request for funding to collect inmate samples in 2005-06 and 2006-07 are not justified because it assumes that the department will be required to collect DNA samples from new inmates who are transferred to state prison from counties.