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Economy and Taxes (255)
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Results for irish state pension in Economy and Taxes

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California’s Fiscal Outlook: The 2011-12 Budget [Publication Details]

Nov 10, 2010 - California’s Fiscal Outlook: The 2011-12 Budget [Publication Details] Video Description: Our forecast of California’s General Fund revenues and expenditures shows that the state must address a budget problem of $25.4 billion between now and the time the Legislature enacts a 2011‑12 state budget plan.

Reconsidering the Optional Single Sales Factor [Publication Details]

May 26, 2010 - Reconsidering the Optional Single Sales Factor [Publication Details] Reconsidering the Optional Single Sales Factor Format: HTML Description: The February 2009 state budget agreement changed the apportionment formula used to determine California taxable income for firms that also operate in other states.

AB32: Letter to Assembly Member Dan Logue Regarding Potential Economic Leakage [Publication Details]

May 13, 2010 - Specifically we were asked to look at the costs California would likely incur following the implementation of AB 32 through the California Air Resource Board’s Scoping Plan, compared to states that do not have similar policies in place.

Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell Its Office Buildings? [Publication Details]

Apr 27, 2010 - Evaluating the Sale-Leaseback Proposal: Should the State Sell Its Office Buildings? [Publication Details] Video Description: Recent legislation authorized the Department of General Services (DGS) to sell and then lease back 11 state-owned office properties.

California's Fiscal Outlook: The 2010-11 Budget [Publication Details]

Nov 18, 2009 - California's Fiscal Outlook: The 2010-11 Budget [Publication Details] Video Description: Our forecast of California’s General Fund revenues and expenditures shows that the state must address a General Fund budget problem of $20.7 billion between now and the time the Legislature enacts a 2010–11 state budget plan.

Should the State Consolidate Its Revenue Agencies? [Publication Details]

Jun 10, 2009 - Should the State Consolidate Its Revenue Agencies? [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Revenues [Publication Details]

Feb 6, 2009 - In general, these recommendations are based on our conclusion that these programs lack a strong rationale or are not sufficiently effective or efficient in achieving their stated goals. We also identify two targeted rate increases—increasing the vehicle license fee (VLF) to 1 percent and a three-year temporary PIT surcharge—that, combined, would raise $3.4 billion in 2009‑10 and $3.5 billion in 2010‑11.

California's Fiscal Outlook: LAO Projections 2008-09 Through 2013-14 [Publication Details]

Nov 20, 2008 - Combined with rising state expenses, we project that the state will need $27.8 billion in budget solutions over the 2008-09 and 2009-10 fiscal years. The state’s revenue collapse is so dramatic and the underlying economic factors are so weak that we forecast huge budget shortfalls through 2013-14 absent corrective action.

State Fiscal Picture 2008-09 [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2008 - State Fiscal Picture 2008-09 [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

LAO Revenue-Raising Proposals [Publication Details]

Feb 20, 2008 - In so doing, we have applied the same approach as with direct spending programs--that is, we have examined tax-related provisions referred to as tax expenditure programs (TEPs)--and recommended changes to those that are not achieving their stated purposes or are of a lower priority.