Results for snohomish county lodging tax

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2001 Initiative Analysis: Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 2)

Specifically, the state would be required to provide reimbursement to scho ols, cities, counties, and special districts if the Legislature enacted a law or any state agency passed a regulation that: Reduced the amount of resources a local government received from local revenues (taxes, assessments, or fees).

2001 Initiative Analysis: Local Revenue Accountability Act (Option 2)

Specifically, the state would be required to provide reimbursement to scho ols, cities, counties, and special districts if the Legislature enacted a law or any state agency passed a regulation that: Reduced the amount of resources a local government received from local revenues (taxes, assessments, or fees).

[PDF] 2003 Realignment Of Health Programs

LAO 60 YEARS OF SERVICE L E G I S L A T I V E A N A L Y S T ’ S O F F I C E March 5, 2003 Overarching Considerations Relating to Realignment Realigning Some State-County Programs Makes Sense Programs, Not Taxes, Should Be the Focus of Realignment Realignment Plans Are Not Easily Changed Counties Will Need Control Over Realigned Programs Roughly

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act

2002 Initiative Analysis: Jarvis-Simon Homeowners and Renters Tax Relief Act August 13, 2002 Dear Attorney General Lockyer: Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative cited as the “California Clemency Board” (File No.

The 2014-15 Budget: Pilot Program to Improve Property Tax Administration [Publication Details]

Mar 13, 2014 - The 2014-15 Budget: Pilot Program to Improve Property Tax Administration [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

[PDF] Overview of Gambling in California

Currently, there are 89 cardrooms that operate in 32 counties in California. The industry generates about $850 million in revenue after winnings.  State Revenue. Cardrooms and their owners are subject to state business and income taxes.

[PDF] Online sports wagering.

Currently, four tracks as well as 30 fairs and satellite facilities in 17 counties accept wagers on horse racing. The California Horse Racing Board regulates the horse racing industry.  Tribal Gaming.

Consumer privacy [Ballot]

Oct 23, 2017 - The magnitude of these potential impacts on tax revenue are unknown and would depend on how the state and local governments, businesses, and the public responded to the measure. Summary of Fiscal Effects.

[PDF] The 2003-04 Budget Bill (AB 1765), as amended July 27, 2003

County Share of Penalty. Allocates 25 percent of the federal child support automation penalty to counties, resulting in General Fund revenue of approximately $52 million. Williamson Act. Provides full funding for the local property tax subvention for open space protection ($40.1 million).

2010 Initiative Analysis: Alcoholic Beverages

The likely decline in taxable consumption of alcoholic beverages due to the increase in the excise tax imposed under this measure would also affect local SUT revenues. We estimate that local governments, primarily cities and counties, would experience a decrease in sales tax revenues of approximately $100  million on a statewide basis due to the excise tax increase.