Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] The 1995-96 Budget Act and Related Legislation

The Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, however, has expressed concern that property tax revenues may not reach the level projected by the DOF. To the extent that property tax revenues are less than the amount esti- mated, the Chancellor’s Office indicates that funding for enrollment growth in 1995-96 will be reduced accordingly.

State Spending Plan--Summary, Chap. 1 & 2

This includes an increase of $1.5 billion (8.1 percen t) in personal income taxes and $877 million (6 percent) in sales and use taxes, partially offset by a reduc tion of $816 million in bank and corporation taxes.

New Funding Model for Special Education -- Part I

State support includes allocated local property taxes. Local support constituted about 25 percent of total outlays in 1992-93. Local support is general-purpose funding that is used by districts for special education.

New Funding Model for Special Education -- Part II

Federal funds are included in the statewide per-capita amount, along with General Fund support and special education's share of property taxes. Each year's COLA and growth amounts are calculated based on total program funding, including federal funds and local property taxes, not just the General Fund amount.

October 1995 Cal Update

Proposition 62, an i nitiative adopted by the voters in 1986, prohibits a local agency from imposing (1) a tax for specific purposes (a "special tax ") unless it is approved by two-thirds of the voters or (2) a tax for general purposes (a "general tax ") unless it is approved by a majority of the voters.

December 1995 California Update

During these months, individuals and corporations make th e last prepayment twoard their 1995 tax liabilities, and retailers remit sales tax payments related to the important 1995 Christmas shopping season.

1995 June California Update

Sales taxes experienced the largest gain--up $101 million. About $80 million of the $85 million corporation tax gain is related to an audit assessment, of which about $50 million had been expected in June.

1995 September California Update

Most of this gain is due to higher personal income taxes (up $80 million) and estate taxes (up $58 million). Sales taxes have been modestly stronger than expected, while bank and corporation taxes have been somewhat weaker.

. {+ (2) Existing law authorizes the Franchise

. {+ (2) Existing law authorizes the Franchise Tax Board to provide specified types of tax information to certain public entities, subject to specified conditions regarding confidentiality , including misdemeanor penalties for disclosure, and review of the use of the information.

"Regulation" does not mean or include legal rulings of counsel

"Regulation" does not mean or include legal rulings of counsel issued by the Franchise Tax Board or State Board of Equalization, or any form prescribed by a state agency or any instructions relating to the use of the form, but this provision is not a limitation upon any requirement that a regulation be adopted pursuant to this part when one is needed to implement the law under which the form is issued.