Results for 서울시 tax

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Schools Receive More Than Half of Property

Schools Receive More Than Half of Property Taxes Share of Property Tax After passage of Proposition 13 in 1978, the state increased its funding of schools and shifted property tax allocations from schools to other local entities to mitigate their Pro position 13 revenue losses. 1992-93 and 1993-94 budget actions shifted $3.9 billion to schools


Special districts are divided into two categories: (1) enterprise districts, which charge fees to users of their services and are organized like businesses, and (2) nonenterprise districts, which finance service deliv- ery primarily with tax and assessment revenues.

School revenue limits -- supported by both state funds and local

School revenue limits -- supported by both state funds and local property taxes -- provide the resources for basic school programs. These funds account for almost two-thirds of all revenues. The state also provides funds for specific educational needs -- such as special education and transportation.

Policy Brief: Reversing the Property Tax Shifts

Policy Brief: Reversing the Property Tax Shifts Legislative Analyst's Office, April 2, 1996 Reversing the Property Tax Shifts Summary In 1992-93 and 1993-94, the state shifted about $4 billion in property taxes from certain local agencies to schools.

Bond Debt Update

If the Governor's tax cut proposal is enacted, the range of bond sales over the period shown in Figure 1 would be reduced by about $5 billion under each debt level. The data in Figure  1 are intended to illustrate the state's debt capacity under different assumptions.

Overview of the 1996-97 May Revision

Strong Income Taxes Lead to Major Revenue Revisions. In contrast to its modest revisions to the economic outlook, the administration's revenue revisions have been substantial. The bulk of the total $2.7 billion revenue increase is d ue to higher projected income tax receipts.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

Item 1730-001-0001--Franchise Tax Board 1. Computing System Redesign. The Franchise Tax Board shall provide the Legislative Analyst's Office and the appropriate fiscal committees of the Legislature semi-annual reports beginning September 1, 1996 and March 1, 1997 regarding the accrual of tax revenues attributable to the redesign of the Bank and Corporation Tax computing system.

Supplemental Report 1996-97 Fiscal Year

The report shall also take into account the impact of federal, state, and local government regulations and taxes at all levels of government. 2. Economic Analysis Unit. The ARB shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee by January 10, 1998 on the activity, accomplishments, and workload associated with the ARB economic analysis unit.

Major Features of the 1996 California Budget

This tax cut is in lieu of the Governor's proposal for a phased 15 percent reduction in both personal and corporation income taxes. The revised tax cut will reduce revenues by $85 milli on in 1996-97.

[PDF] Major Features of the 1996 California Budget Budget Brief

This tax cut is in lieu of the Governor’s proposal for a phased 15 percent reduction in both personal and corporation income taxes. The revised tax cut will reduce revenues by $85 million in 1996-97.