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Results for school year calendar 2024-25 Canada in Economy and Taxes

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The 1987-88 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1987 - (280 Pages, 13MB) The Governor's Budget for 1987-88 reflects an anticipated temporary slowdown in the California economy. Projected revenues will not be sufficient to both fund the current level of services and restore the reserve to a $1 billion level. Faced with this choice, the budget gives its highest priority to the restoration of the reserve.

The 1986-87 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1986 - While the level of General Fund revenues is 4.1 percent higher than the level estimated for the current year, the level of General Fund expenditures proposed in the budget is only 1.1 percent higher than the level estimated for the current year.

The 1985-86 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1985 - In terms of purchasing power, the level of General Fund revenues projected for 1985-86 is 1.3 percent higher than the level of revenues estimated for the current year. Because a substantial portion of these revenues will not have to be used to replenish the reserve, as was necessary in the current year, expenditures can grow by even more—almost 3.9 percent.

The 1984-85 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1984 - In terms of real purchasing power, the level of General Fund revenues projected for 1984-85 is 4.0 percent higher than the level of revenues estimated for the current year. Here we provide a brief overview of the state's fiscal condition during the current and budget years, estimate what it would cost to maintain the existing level of services provided by the

The 1983-84 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1983 - Estimated expenditures in 1982-83 are $1.5 billion greater than estimated resources available in the current year. Thus, unless actions are taken by the Legislature prior to June 30, 1983, or the economy (and hence revenues) performs better than anticipated, the state will end 1983 with a deficit of approximately $1.6 billion.

The 1982-83 Budget: Perspectives and Issues [Publication Details]

Feb 1, 1982 - In terms of real purchasing power, the Governor's Budget for 1982-83 is 3.5 percent lower than the budget for the current year. The General Fund portion of the Governor's Budget will be in balance only if several critical assumptions underlying the budget are borne out.

The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of California's Aircraft Ground Time Exemption [Publication Details]

Jan 1, 1979 - The provisions of Chapter 1169 are effective for the 1974-75 through 1979-80 fiscal years, after which time the specified exclusions from the formula become inoperative. Chapter 1169 also requires the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on the economic and revenue effects of this exemption.

Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics - Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics [Video]

Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics - Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics [Video] Search LAO Videos Los Angeles’ Bid for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics November 10, 2016 In this short video Chief Deputy Legislative Analyst Jason Sisney and Senior Fiscal and Policy Analyst Carolyn Chu highlight the LAO report  Los Angeles' Bid for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics .

Understanding Your Property Tax Bill - The 1 Percent Tax—Where Does Your Money Go? [Video]

This includes cities, the county, special districts, and schools and community college districts. Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF). This is a countywide multi-purpose fund originally created  to provide funding for schools For many reasons, the system of distributing these revenues has become very complex.