Results for 서울시 tax

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Rethinking the Cal-Vet Loan Program Part II

First, as we noted earlier in this report, federal tax restrictions will have the effect of prohibiting the use of tax-deductible general obligation bonds for loans to   war veterans after January 1, 2007.

Taking Advantage of New Federal Higher Education Tax Credits

The act creates several new higher education-related tax incentives, including the "Hope Scholarship" and "Lifetime Learning" tax credits. These tax credits will dramatically reduce the after-tax price of tuition and fees for most middle-income California students (or their parents) by lowering their federal taxes.

[PDF] A Primer on the Vehicle License Fee An LAO

..................................................... 6 IS THE VLF TAX DEDUCTIBLE? ................................................................... 7 WOULD LOCAL GOVERNMENTS BE AFFECTED BY A VLF TAX CUT?

Major Features of the 1998 California Budget

Other tax provisions include a one-time increase in the personal income tax dependent credi t, the restoration of a nonrefundable and income-limited renters' credit, an increase in the senior citizen tax credit, and various targeted business tax reductions.

[PDF] An LAO Report State Should Employ “Best Practices” On Information Technology Projects

For example, the Franchise Tax Board entered into a contract to pay the vendor a percentage of the increased collections attributable to the automation project. Such ar- rangements make establishing the existing capabili- ties and future goals especially important in order to be able to determine whether the project increased collections or productivity.

Overhauling the State's Infrastructure

Other funding options for highways that would not have a General Fund impact are (1) increasing gas taxes and /or truck weight fees or (2) proposing bonds to be repaid from transportation revenues rather than the General Fund.

[PDF] 1998 Cal Facts: California's Fiscal Structure

For finan- cial corporations, a portion of the tax is in lieu of certain local taxes. Vehicle Fuel 18¢ per gallon of gasoline or diesel fuel Tax is collected from fuel distributors or wholesalers with equivalent taxes levied on other types of vehicle fuels.

1998 Cal Facts State Finances

Sales Tax Rates Vary by County Sales tax rates vary by county because of the optional sales taxes which counties can choose to levy. Existing sales tax rates range from a low of 7.25 percent in counties with no local option taxes, to a high of 8.5 percent in the City and County of San Francisco.

Chapter 1: The Budget Outlook

Nor are they our recommendations of what tax and spending policies oug ht to be. Rather, our estimates are a baseline projection of what would happen if current policies were allowed to run their course.

Chapter 2: Economics and Demographic Projections

These factors significantly affect both state revenues and expenditures, due t o their impacts on state tax receipts, as well as caseloads and other cost-related factors affecting state programs. This chapter presents our economic and demographic projections for 1998 through 2004, which will help to determine California's fiscal condition over the period 1998-99 through 2003-04.