Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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2005 Initiative Analysis: The Transportation Funding Protection Act of 2006 (version 2)

Proposition  42 Transfer. The measure includes voter approval as a third condition to suspend the transfer of Proposition  42 funds beginning in 2007 ‑08. Currently, the transfer may be suspended only if the (1) Governor declares that the transfer would result in a significant negative fiscal impact on the functions of governm

[PDF] The Transportation Funding Protection Act of 2006 (version 2)

Proposition 42 Transfer. The measure includes voter approval as a third condition to suspend the transfer of Proposition 42 funds beginning in 2007-08. Currently, the transfer may be suspended only if the (1) Governor declares that the transfer would result in a significant negative fiscal impact on the functions of government

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Transportation Funding Protection Act of 2006 (version 3)

In 2002, voters approved Pro position  42 which constitutionally requires this revenue to be transferred from the General Fund to the TIF for transportation purposes exclusively. Proposition  42 allows the transfer to be suspended under specified conditions.

[PDF] The Transportation Funding Protection Act of 2006 (version 3)

In 2002, voters approved Proposition 42 which constitutionally requires this revenue to be transferred from the General Fund to the TIF for transportation purposes exclusively. Proposition 42 allows the transfer to be suspended under specified conditions.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Transportation Funding Protection Act of 2006 (version 4)

Proposition  42 Transfer. The measure allows the Proposition  42 transfer to be suspended only in years preceding 2007 ‑08. Thereafter, the suspension authority is deleted. Fiscal Effect This measure would have no revenue or cost effect.

[PDF] The Transportation Funding Protection Act of 2006 (version 4)

Proposition 42 Transfer. The measure allows the Proposition 42 transfer to be suspended only in years preceding 2007-08. Thereafter, the suspension authority is deleted. Fiscal Effect This measure would have no revenue or cost effect.

[PDF] Classroom Learning and Accountability Act_version 1

The remainder would be transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund. Revenue Likely Sufficient to Fund Programs at the Designated Levels. The parcel tax revenue transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund likely would be sufficient to fund the various K-12 programs at the measure’s designated levels.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Classroom Learning and Accountability Act, version 2

The remainder would be transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund. Revenue Likely Sufficient to Fund Programs at the Designated Levels. The parcel tax revenue transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund likely would be sufficient to fund the various K-12 programs at the measure’s designated lev els.

[PDF] Classroom Learning and Accountability Act_version 2

The remainder would be transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund. Revenue Likely Sufficient to Fund Programs at the Designated Levels. The parcel tax revenue transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund likely would be sufficient to fund the various K-12 programs at the measure’s designated levels.

2005 Initiative Analysis: The Classroom Learning and Accountability Act, version 3

The remainder would be transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund. Revenue Likely Sufficient to Fund Programs at the Designated Levels. The parcel tax revenue transferred to the Classroom Learning and Accountability Fund likely would be sufficient to fund the various K-12 programs at the measure’s designated lev els.