Results for 서울시 tax

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Impose new standards for confining certain farm animals. [Ballot]

Oct 18, 2017 - To the extent that these higher production costs cause some fa rmers to exit the business or otherwise reduce overall production and profitability, there could be reduced state and local tax revenues.

LAO Publications

This difference, know n as the "tax gap," is currently estimated at $6.5 billion annually and is due to the underreporting of income and various other factors. The budget proposes to spend $19.6 million in 2007-08 to continue certain pilot programs and undertake several new initiatives aimed at narrowing the tax gap.

LAO Publications

This difference, know n as the "tax gap," is currently estimated at $6.5 billion annually and is due to the underreporting of income and various other factors. The budget proposes to spend $19.6 million in 2007-08 to continue certain pilot programs and undertake several new initiatives aimed at narrowing the tax gap.

[PDF] Sales Tax Exemptions for Diapers and Menstrual Products

Sales Tax Exemptions for Diapers and Menstrual Products Sales Tax Exemptions for Diapers and Menstrual Products Department Governor Senate Assembly LAO Compromise Tax and Fee Administration (7600) Exempt children’s diapers from sales and use tax for two years.

[PDF] CA Enterprise Zones

Tax returns claiming this incentive grew by 120 percent over the period. Tax credits claimed through amended returns totaled $170 million over the fi ve years 1999 through 2003. The number of employees reported on tax returns grew from 24,190 to 71,150 between 1999 and 2003.

2009 Initiative Analysis: Corporate Taxes

2009 Initiative Analysis: Corporate Taxes About the LAO September 1, 2009 Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative on corporate taxes (A.G. File No. 09 ‑0020).

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: State Board of Equalization

The policy now being pursued by the Board makes evasion of the tax profitable. The worst penalty to which an offender is subject is a 25 percent penalty based on the tax recovered. If the auditor oyerlooks any tax, the offender profits by that much money.

2003 Initiative Analysis: Citizens to End the Car Tax (version 1)

The Sales and Use Tax and the Retail Sales Tax Fund. California’s state and local governments levy a sales and use tax (SUT) on tangible goods used or consumed within the state. The SUT rates are: 5 percent state General Fund, 0.5 p ercent Local Public Safety Fund, 0.5 percent Local Revenue Fund, and 1.25 percent Bradley-Burns (local).

[PDF] Vehicle license fee, the fefinition of taxes, and certain other related matters

The Sales and Use Tax and the Retail Sales Tax Fund. California’s state and local governments levy a sales and use tax (SUT) on tangible goods used or consumed within the state. The SUT rates are: 5 percent state General Fund, 0.5 percent Local Public Safety Fund, 0.5 percent Local Revenue Fund, and 1.25 percent Bradley-Burns (local).

Consumer privacy. [Ballot]

Dec 1, 2017 - The magnitude of the potential impacts on the ec onomy and state and local tax revenue is unknown and would depend on how the state and local governments, businesses, and the public responded to the measure.