Results for quezon city transfer of ownership

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[PDF] The Citizens Fair Districts Act (version 3)

Among these requirements are: • The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. • When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as re- quired by federal law.

2007 Initiative Analysis: California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act

Under the measure, for example, government could not use eminent domain to acquire property to (1) transfer it to a person, business, nonprofit organization, or other private entity or (2) use the property fo r a purpose similar to how it was used when it was under private ownership.

[PDF] California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act

The definition of private use includes “regulation of the ownership, occupancy, or use of privately owned real property or associated prop- erty rights in order to transfer an economic benefit to one or more private persons at the expense of the property owner.”

[PDF] Homeowners and Private Property Protection Act

Proposal This measure constrains public agency authority to use eminent domain to acquire single-family homes (including condominiums) for the purpose of transferring the property to another private person or business.

[PDF] Citizens Fair Districts Act (Version 4)

. • The plan must minimize the splitting of counties, cities, and “communities of interest” into multiple districts. • When drawing boundaries, the commission could not consider information related to political party affiliations and other specified matters, except as re- quired by federal law.

[PDF] Identification Device Protection Act

Fiscal Impact This measure could have various fiscal effects, particularly in regard to local animal shelters operated by counties and cities affected by the measure’s provisions that block the adoption or enforcement of any ordinances that require that pets be implanted with RFID microchips.

[PDF] Pet Animal Protection Act

It would also require animal rescue groups and other private shelters that adopt out animals transferred from local animal shelters to transfer to the public shelters 10 percent of the revenue generated from adoption activities.

[PDF] Freedom Against Sterilization Act

This measure amends the State Constitution to prohibit governmental entities (state, county, city, or other) from enacting or enforcing any law that coerces or mandates the temporary or permanent sexual sterilization of any human or animal.

[PDF] The Solar and Clean Energy Act of 2008

The measure specifies that the Energy Commission will hold title to any properties acquired with funds in the So- lar and Clean Energy Transmission Account and gives the commission the authority to exercise its ownership rights over any such property.

[PDF] Voters FIRST Act

Brown Jr. 2 November 30, 2007 Legislative and BOE Districts For legislative and BOE districts, the measure transfers redistricting responsibilities from the Legislature to a Citizens Redistricting Commission.