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State Budget (199)
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Results for 서울시 tax in State Budget

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Alternative Energy Manufacturing Sales and Use Tax Exclusion (SB 71) Program [Publication Details]

Oct 19, 2011 - Alternative Energy Manufacturing Sales and Use Tax Exclusion (SB 71) Program [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

The 2011-12 Budget: Overview of the May Revision [Publication Details]

May 19, 2011 - On the other hand, the Legislature has other options to address the reduced budget shortfall, including adoption of alternative tax proposals, additional program reductions, and selected fund transfers and internal borrowing.

The 2011-12 Budget: Achieving General Fund Relief From Transportation Funds [Publication Details]

Jan 25, 2011 - However, the passage of ballot measures in November 2010 potentially undoes portions of the tax swap package. In response to these ballot measures, the Governor’s January 2011-12 budget proposes statutory changes to recapture the use of transportation funds to help balance the state’s budget.

The 2011-12 Budget: Overview of the Governor’s Budget [Publication Details]

Jan 12, 2011 - There is significant work ahead to fill in the details of some of the Governor's ambitious, complex proposals, particularly given his proposed accelerated timeline for budget deliberations and a June special election concerning extensions of tax increases.

Overview of the Governor’s December 2010 Special Session Proposals [Publication Details]

Dec 7, 2010 - Under the proposal, the fuel tax revenues that would have helped the General Fund prior to Proposition 22 would now be available for transportation programs. Reports by Policy Area

Revenues and the 2010-11 Budget [Publication Details]

May 10, 2010 - Presented at the Assembly Budget Committee hearing on Budget Options: Tax Structure and Tax Expenditures. May 11, 2010.

LAO Recommended Legislation [Publication Details]

Dec 1, 2008 - Recommendations in this report include, among many others: (a) Simplify and Consolidate K-12 General Purpose Funding, (b) Promote the Adoption of Health Information Technology in California, (c) Fund Inmate Education Programs Based on Actual Attendance, and (d) Increase and Index the State Gas Tax.

Perspectives on the Economy and Demographics 2005-06 [Publication Details]

Feb 22, 2005 - The California economy is expanding at a healthy pace in early 2005, as evidenced by real estate construction, exports, company reports of sales and profits, and business-related tax receipts. The one area of concern remains jobs, which are lagging due to intense focus on cost cutting and efficiencies.

Additional Options for Addressing the State’s Fiscal Problem [Publication Details]

Feb 18, 2004 - In this piece, we present options for the Legislature's consideration. We have identified expenditures that may be considered of lower priority in tough budget times. It is not that these activities are without merit or not desirable. In better fiscal times we would not necessarily put such options on the table. However, we offer them in the context of a need to solve a massive budget shortfall.

State Fiscal Picture 2003-04 [Publication Details]

Feb 19, 2003 - California faces an unprecedented budget shortfall--roughly one-third of the General Fund budget-- due to an unexpected dramatic decline in state tax receipts combined with ongoing increases in state government costs. The Governor's budget proposal, would eliminate the while its large amount of ongoing savings would also address California's long-term structural imbalance.