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Results for irish state pension in Ballot

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Private legal actions that enforce state labor laws. (Version 2) [Ballot]

Nov 28, 2017 - For example, there is a $250 penalty for each pay period the state ’s minimum wage is not met. These penalties are assessed by state agencies, typically paid to the state, and intended to improve compliance with labor law by making violations cost lier for employers.

Rules of professional conduct for attorneys. [Ballot]

Oct 5, 2017 - The California Constitution requires attorneys to be members of the State Bar to practice law in the state. As of September 2017, the State Bar reported having 263,165 members —of which  189,703 (or 72  percent) are active members able to practice law.

California voters directing the California Legislature to apply for a constitutional convention pursuant to Article V of the U.S. Constitution. [Ballot]

Oct 6, 2017 - State Independence. As no process currently exists for states to secede from the United States, the measure would require amendments be proposed to enable states to secede from the United States. Fiscal Effects Various Uncertainties.

Private legal actions that enforce state labor laws. (Version 3) [Ballot]

Nov 28, 2017 - For example, there is a $250 penalty for each pay period the state ’s minimum wage is not met. These penalties are assessed by state agencies, typically paid to the state, and intended to improve compliance with labor law by making violations cost lier for employers.

Funding for California’s health care safety net. [Ballot]

Jan 3, 2018 - Funding for the state ’s health care workforce programs comes from a mix of federal, state, and local sources. State Personal Income Tax California Taxes Personal Income. California levies a personal income tax (PIT) on the income of state residents and on income of nonresidents that is derived from California sources.

State income taxes and various charges collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles. [Ballot]

Nov 1, 2017 - The measure does not require the state to forgive more than the first $100,000 of an income tax debt, so some amount of existing debt wou ld remain collectible. As the measure eliminates the currently available administrative measures used by the state to enforce state income tax laws, the measure could also reduce annual state income tax revenues.

Taxes to fund public schools and colleges [Ballot]

Oct 25, 2017 - The State Constitution requires the Legislature to provide for a system of free K-12 schools. The Constitution establishes the University of California (UC) system and authorizes funding of a state public education system, which currently consists of K-12 schools, community colleges, and state universities and colleges (including the UC and California State University [CSU] sys tems).

California’s “top two” primary election system. [Ballot]

Jan 30, 2018 - This measure amends the State Constitution to change the top two primary to a top four primary instead. For state officers and Members of the U.S. Congress, the four candidates with the highest number of primary votes —regardless of their party preferences —would advance to compete in the general election.

Homeowners’ and renters’ tax relief. [Ballot]

Nov 2, 2017 - Proposition  2 (2014) requires the state to make minimum annual debt payments and reserve deposits using a formula specified in the state constitution. Generally, this formula is based on the size of the state ’s General Fund and the amount of taxes paid on capital gains.

Felony sentencing. [Ballot]

Jan 2, 2018 - Fiscal Effects State Criminal Justice Impacts. This measure would have a number of fiscal impacts on the state ’s correctional system. Most significantly, the measure would reduce the state prison population because its provisions would result in reductions in:   Third Strikers.