Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] Supplemental Report of the 2008 Budget Act, 2008-09 Fiscal Year

Item 1730‑001‑0001—Franchise Tax Board 1. Ready Return. By March 1, 2009, the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) shall report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and appropriate fiscal and policy committees of the Legislature on the Ready Return program.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: Federal Economic Stimulus Package: Fiscal Effect on California

Tax Credit Allocation Agency May Not Be Best Suited to Administer Loans. The federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program of- fers tax credits to investors as a means to attract private capital into new construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing.

[PDF] California Community Colleges: Raising Fees Could Mitigate Program Cuts and Leverage More Federal Aid

Figure 1 summarizes the features of the federal American Opportunity tax credit (AOTC), Lifetime Learning Credit, and tuition and fee tax deduction. As we note in our Figure 1 Federal Tax Benefits Applied Toward Higher Education Fees 2009 American Opportunity Credit Lifetime Learning Credit Tuition and Fee Deduction • Directly reduces

[PDF] Assessing California's Vison for Higher Education: The Master Plan at 50

Recognizing the sub- stantial public investment in higher education, the Master Plan called for “scrupulous policy planning to realize the maximum value from the tax dollar,” including such strategies as fuller use of facilities and better coordination among edu- cational institutions.

[PDF] 2009-10 Budget Analysis Series: California's Cash Flow Crisis

In the second half of the fis‑ cal year, some months (especially February and March) saw cash flow deficits, while other months (particularly April, due to personal income tax payments) saw cash flow surpluses.

[PDF] 1945-47 Legislative Auditor's Report: Section II

Federal taxes will necessarily be high for many years to pay for the war and the expanded governmental services which have already been promised. The revenue of the State depend primarily upon the business income of our people and more directly on that income which they have to spend.

[PDF] 1945-47 Legislative Auditor's Report: Section III

Federal Activities Affect California Tax Receipts . We also believe that the continuation of high Federal taxes will eventually have a measurable effect upon business and tax receipts to the State of California.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: State Board of Equalization

The policy now being pursued by the Board makes evasion of the tax profitable. The worst penalty to which an offender is subject is a 25 percent penalty based on the tax recovered. If the auditor oyerlooks any tax, the offender profits by that much money.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Department of Professional and Vocational Standards

This decline of $20,000, or 7.4 percent, reflects the expectation that receipts from license fees will be about the same in the 1947-48 Fiscal Year as in 1946-47, but that receipts from admission tax on boxing and wrestling· contests will fall as employment opportunities lessen and inflation reduces the amount of money which the population have for entertainment.

[PDF] 1947 Budget Analysis: Index

·uiting, Testing and (Personnel Board) _______________ ..: _________________ 158 Redemption and Interest, General Obligation Bonds__________________________ 99 Redevelopment Act, Urban, Implementing oL_______________________________ 5 ' Reemployment Commission, Reconstruction and_____________________________ 72 Refund Division, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (Controller)