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May Revision: Governor's Proposal to Eliminate CalWORKs. Effective October 1, 2010, this proposal would result in net savings of approximately $1.1 billion beyond earlier proposed reductions.

May 20, 2010 - The elimination of CalWORKs would make most low –income families eligible for county general assistance (GA) programs, potentially resulting in county costs exceeding $1 billion annually. It is not clear how counties would pay for this obligation —particularly in the context of the recession ’s hit on counties ’ own revenues and the Governor ’s other proposals that would be financially detrimental to counties.

Proposed Changes to California Medical Assistance Commission (CMAC)

May 20, 2010 - This transfer also appears consistent with other transfers of responsibilities to DHCS regarding County Organized Health System managed care plans. We have concerns with the Governor ’s other proposals to shift other responsibilities to DHCS and allow the Department of Finance to reduce or eliminate CMAC appropriations in the budget year, because we believe the y are premature.

Mental Health Realignment Risky, May Violate Proposition 63

May 19, 2010 - Proposition 63 established a personal income tax surcharge on high-income earners to e xpand mental health services. It also established a state maintenance of effort requirement to ensure that MHSA funds are not used to supplant existing resources.

General Fund Savings Opportunities in State Parks

May 18, 2010 - Funding for the operation of state parks comes fro m a combination of the General Fund, user fees, gasoline taxes, and other special funds. Governor ’s May Revision Proposal. The Governor ’s May Revision restores General Fund support for DPR to $140 million for 2010-11.

May Revision Budget Request for General Fund Loan for New Program Start-Up Costs

May 18, 2010 - Chapter 10 authorizes CAEATFA to evaluate and approve applications for state and local sales tax exclusions for tangible personal property used for the design, manufacture, produ ction, or assembly of advanced transportation technologies or alternative energy source products, components or systems.

Proposed $200 million of General Fund savings due to federal health care reform's temporary early retiree reinsurance program.

May 14, 2010 - In a 2009 press statement, CalPERS officials described how these RDS payments provide "welcome relief for cities and counties that are struggling to maintain health care benefits for retirees and their beneficiaries. " Similarly, funds from the temporary federal  reinsurance program will be welcome relief for public employers enrolled in CalPERS.

Revenues and the 2010-11 Budget [Publication Details]

May 10, 2010 - Presented at the Assembly Budget Committee hearing on Budget Options: Tax Structure and Tax Expenditures. May 11, 2010.

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Recipient Fingerprinting

May 10, 2010 - The administration is currently in the process of implementing the recipient fingerprint  requirement through a pilot project in five counties. The pilot project is focused on process issues related to such things as how long it takes to obtain a fingerprint, which dev ice is best for fingerprinting, and how to explain the requirement to recipients.

Trailer vehicle license fee (VLF) backfill for International Registration Plan (IRP).

May 7, 2010 - The CVRA exempted commercial trailers from having to pay the VLF and thereby  reduced the  revenue going to cities, counties and realignment programs.   The  Legislature  made the decision to hold these entities harmless by  backfilling the losses with  money from the General Fund.

Proposed establishment of a new state fund to accept disaster relief and other donations.

Apr 16, 2010 - In conjunction with his proposal to establish a volunteerism agency , the Governor proposes trailer bill language that would establish the California Volunteers Fund in the state treasury, a continuously appropriated fund that would accept tax-deductible cash donations from individuals or private entities.