Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

The industry pays the cost through a special tax on the grapes to be crushed. We find the request in line with the current cost factors and feel that justification exists for the increases requested.

[PDF] 1960 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

The actual and estimated mileage, by divisions and years, is as follows: A.ctual Division 1958-59 Administration ____________________ 94.733 Business taxes-headquarters _______ 26,172 Business taxes-districts ___________ 2,297,773 Property ,taxes ____________________ 319,321 Totals _________________________ 2,737,999

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Mental Hygiene

Other counties make little or no effort in this direction and raise the money through th:eir tax base. The present rate ($20) charged counties for mentally deficient pa- tients has been in effect since 1927, at which time per capita costs were $20.35 per month.

[PDF] 1961 Budget Analysis: Natural Resources

Pri- marily, it eliminates the tax inequities previously discussed and it provides a fire service to the community on a year-round basis with equiplllent and men specifically trained in structural fire control.

[PDF] 1962 Budget Analysis: Motor Vehicles

In some cases, :members of the district will share costs on projects offering wide 472 Item 176 Conservation Division of Soil Conservation-Continued area benefits either by subscription or imposition of a tax limited in anyone year to no more than two cents on each $100 assessed valuation of land alone, exclusive of improvements or mineral rights.

[PDF] 1963 Budget Analysis: Department of Justice

To secure uniformity of treatment seven subject mat- ter sections are organized statewide, covering tax, administrative; pub- lic welfare, public resources, business, government and land law. The section on land law is new this year and brings together all condemna- tion activity under one supervisor.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

Unlike other state tax collecting agencies, the board deals directly with great numbers of the general public. In 1964-65 the board expects to receive 5,225,000 personal income tax 359 Franchise Tax Item 146 Franchise Tax Board-Continued returns.

[PDF] 1964 Budget Analysis: Index

California Commission on Manpower, Automation and Techn6i6gy __________ 316 Employment, Department of _________________________________________ 717, 858 Equalization, Board oL __________________________________________________ 324 Executive _____________________________________________________________ 12 F Fair Employment Practices, Division of ___________________________________ 504 Fair,

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

Except for seed inspection, which is financed by the General Fund, each of these inspection activities is financed by fees and tonnage taxes charged to the industry. The seed inspection work is budgeted at $77,520, which represents a slight decrease from estimated current year expenditures ..

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Employment

The Contingent Fund is composed of revenues from interest, pen- alties and fines in connection with the employment and disability pay- roll taxes, as distinguished from the primary tax. As such, they have been determined not to be trust funds and are available for appropria- tion by the Legislature for any purpose. 2.