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Criminal Justice (241)
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Results for irish state pension in Criminal Justice

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Overview of Adult Correctional Health Care Spending [Publication Details]

Mar 18, 2010 - Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 4 On State Administration Hon. Mark DeSaulnier, Chair

Governor's 2010-11 Budget Proposal for Inmate Medical Care [Publication Details]

Mar 18, 2010 - Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 4 On State Administration Hon. Mark DeSaulnier, Chair

The 2010-11 Budget: Prison Receivership Proposals Pose Significant Financial Risks [Publication Details]

Mar 16, 2010 - In this brief, we (1) provide a status report on the Receiver’s actions, (2) present an overview of state spending on inmate medical care, (3) analyze the various requests contained in the Governor’s budget for the Receiver, and (4) identify issues and recommendations for legislative consideration.

Reducing the Ward and Parolee Populations at the Division of Juvenile Facilities [Publication Details]

Mar 4, 2010 - Presented to: Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 4 On State Administration Hon. Mark DeSaulnier, Chair

The 2010-11 Budget: Automated Speed Enforcement Merits Authorization [Publication Details]

Jan 27, 2010 - This policy brief examines the Governor’s special session proposal to generate additional state revenues from penalties imposed on drivers who are caught speeding through the use of automated speed enforcement (ASE) systems.

Prisons vs. Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility [Publication Details]

Jan 26, 2010 - Universities Proposal Would Unwisely Lock Up Budget Flexibility Format: HTML Description: In his January budget, the Governor proposed a state constitutional amendment that would require reductions in spending on state corrections, with corresponding increases in spending for public universities.

The 2010-11 Budget: Assessing the Prison Population Reduction Proposal [Publication Details]

Jan 25, 2010 - Specifically, the Governor proposes to require that offenders who have no prior serious or violent offenses and are convicted of certain property and drug felony crimes serve a maximum sentence of one year and one day in county jail in lieu of a state prison sentence.

Out-of-State Correctional Facility Program [Publication Details]

Jan 20, 2010 - Out-of-State Correctional Facility Program [Publication Details] Translate Our Website This Google ™ translation feature provided on the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) website is for informational purposes only.

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation: Division of Juvenile Facilities [Publication Details]

Nov 30, 2009 - Presented to: Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 4 on State Administration Hon. Mark DeSaulnier, Chair and Senate Public Safety Committee Hon. Mark Leno, Chair

Achieving Better Outcomes for Adult Probation [Publication Details]

May 29, 2009 - Achieving Better Outcomes for Adult Probation [Publication Details] Video Description: We conclude that opportunities exist to both improve public safety and reduce state costs by better aligning the county probation and state correctional systems.