Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Fiscal

The board makes a systematic effort to in- form the public of the requirements of the income tax laws and to 488 Item 149 Franchise Tax Franchise Tax Board-Continued facilitate timely filing of accurate returns.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Transportation

The 637 Public Works Items 175-176 Department of Motor Vehicles-Continued vehicle license fees are levied in lieu of taxes according to value imposed for state or local purposes on vehicles subject to registration under the Vehicle Code.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

'Refund of taxes, penalties and fees (25-40) _____________________ _ III. Shortages (41-72) ____________________________________________ _ IV. Compensation for services rendered (73-81) ______________________ _ V.

[PDF] 1965 Budget Analysis: Index

Subventions, see Local Assistance Supreme Court _______________________________________________________ 6 T Tax Board, Franchise _________________ ~------------------------------- 487 Teachers' Retirement System (Education} ,_______________________________ 289 Tehachapi,.

[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: Employment

. • The funding of this program is derived from three sources: the fed- eral grant for administration of the department supported by the 0.4 percent federal tax on taxable payrolls, the Department of Employ- ment Contingent Fund (Item 139), and Reed Act Fund (Item 140).

[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: Health and Welfare

.,_____________ $9,946,707 GENERAL PROGRAM STATEMENT The Department of Mental Hygiene has primary responsibility for the state's tax-supported programs for prevention of mental illness and the care and treatment of persons suffering from mental illness as well as for the major tax supported programs of prevention, care and treat- ment of mental retardation.

[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: Miscellaneous

We recommend approval of the amount requested. 856 Items 306-307 Miscellaneous REFUND OF TAXES, LICENSES AND OTHER FEES ITEM 306 of the Budget Bill Budget page 1019 FOR REFUND OF TAXES, LICENSES AND OTHER FEES FROM THE GENERAL FUND Amount. requested ______________________________________________ $20,000 Estimated to be expended in 1965-66 fiscal

[PDF] 1966 Budget Analysis: INDEX

California State Polytechnic College __________ ,-____________________ 374 Chico State College _______________________________________________ 374 Fresno State College _____________________________________________ 374 Fullerton State College ___________________________________________ 374 Hayward State College ___________________________________________ 374 Humboldt State College

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

Thus, the dairy industry would not absorb the added costs of milk inspection, but would pass these costs on to the milk consumers through the operation of the milk price control program in much the same fashion as an excise tax is passed on to the general public.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Employment

This program is supported by a tax levied on employees' wages, and benefit payments are provided to eligible recipients for protection against the hazards of short-term nonoccupational illness or injury to stabilize income and lessen the need for public assistance.