Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Health

The assumption of the present county share of the cost of administering welfare by the state could be viewed as an effective way of providing the substantial local property tax relief which has been under discussion recently.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Transportation

The department's programs are supported by the motor vehicle fees and taxes which it collects. These include the motor vehicle registration and weight fees and drivers license fees which are placed in the Motor Ve- hicle Fund and the vehicle license fees (in lieu taxes) which are placed in the Motor Vehicle License Fee Fund.

[PDF] 1967 Budget Analysis: Control Sections

It has been the historic policy of the state, after requiring local jurisdictions to make maximum efforts with their own resources to care for damage to public property, to then use the broader tax base of the state to provide such relief as was beyond the ability of the local jurisdiction.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL

If local tax relief were to be measured by the increased amount of state money subvened to local government, this trend could be called a significant tax relief program. But this in itself is not a good measure of local tax relief.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Agriculture

The $556,000 revenue from this tax is placed in the Agriculture Fund. The budget proposes to appropriate the $556,000 without differentiating it from General Fund money or specifying how it will be spent.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Controller

. :" The actual duties of this office, however, have centered on assisting with development and implementation of the Governor's legislative pro- gram, with policy position studies on such subjects as crime, tax shar- ing and social welfare, with program effectiveness analysis of existing state functions, and with improving state management techniques.

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Regulation and Licensing

Department of Investment DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE ITEM 159 of the Budget Bill Budget page 771 FOR SUPPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE FROM THE GENERAL FUND Amount requested ______________________________________________ $103,500 Estimated to be expended in 1967-68 fiscal year____________________ 103,500 Increase _______________________________________________________ None '\, TOTAL RECOMMENDED

[PDF] 1968 Budget Analysis: Transportation Agency

DEPARTMENT OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL ITEM 236 of the Budget Bill Budget page 1036 FOR SUPPORT OF :VEHICLE EQUIPMENT SAFETY COMMISSION FROM THE MOTOR VEHICLE TRANSPORTATION TAX FUND Acmount requested _________________________________ ~ ___________ _ Estimated to be expended in 1967-68 fiscal year ____ ~ _________ '_"'--- $8,835 8,835

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Letter of Transmittal

The estimated total income of $4,326 million is reduced by $100 million to provide funds for the proposed income tax reduction. This would be a one-time reduction applying alone to the 1969-70 fiscal year.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Controller

Most of this correspondence originates from private citizens and is related to controversial subjects such as education, welfare and taxes. Individual letters of reply prepared by the division since October 15, 1968, are as follows: .