Results for 서울시 tax

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[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE

Shown as an ad- ministrative adjustment in this division is the transfer of one senior tax representative from the Division of Law Enforcent to the Division of Criminal Law. This division also has budgeted $62,730 to provide for adjustments in the salary steps of entry level attorney classes in which recruitment problems exist. 1 Senior tax representative ____________________________ $10,356 We recommend abolishment of this position.

[PDF] 1969 Budget Analysis: Local Assistance

How- ever, the Education Code authorizes the establishment of an override tax for this purpose. Districts are required to provide the facility to house the program, but the I.Jegislature at the 1968 session established the Children's Center ConAtruction Law.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL

Property Tax Relief 1969-70 Proljerty tax relieL________ $244,592,857 1970-71 $319,642,857 Increase Percent $75,050,000 30.7% The budget proposes a 30-percent increase in property tax relief. A large part of this increase, $53.3 million, is for reimbursement to local governments for losses \l'esulting from the 30-percent exemption on business inventories in the 1970-71 fiscal year.

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Executive Branch

Franchise Tax Board __________________ 3,095,006 3,648,467 3,000 3,000 3,092,006 3,645,467 553,461 17.9 () (J) CD General Services, Department of ________ 821,794 986.942 181,052 213,654 640,742, 773,288 13!

[PDF] 1970 Budget Analysis: Transportation Agency

Program elements include: (1) vehicle 29-79869 897 Transportation Agency Items 234-236 Department of Motor Vehicles-Continued ownership, registration documentations and certificate issuance, (2) vehicle fee collection, (3) vehicle record an(l file maintenance, (4) ve- hicle information and sale of records and (5) use tax computation and collection.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Transmittal

Sales tax revenues will be increased as governments, business firms and private persons make repairs to their damaged property. Whether these sales tax increases will offset the income and corporate franchise tax losses is unknown.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Transportation

As ex-" pected, the exact same conclusion is reached: that the CHP should install two IBM 360/40 computers which are to be acquired hom the Franchise Tax Board. In addition, the report contains a number of 371 , Transportation Item 173 California Highway Patrol-Continued erroneous statements and conclusions.

[PDF] 1971 Budget Analysis: Resources

The statute provides that the amount of aid for which a county or other entity is eligible shall not exceed the total cost of its boating safety and enforcement program needs less the moneys derived from personal property taxes on boats and fees charged for boating activity as determined in accordance with a formula pre- scribed by the department.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Preliminary Statement

Our own estimates indicate a stronger growth in retail sales taxes ($+lO million), and a higher level of taxes from capital gains ($+ 18 million)'. Our third difference relates to the loss in withholding tax collections because of the late enactment of the tax bill.

[PDF] 1972 Budget Analysis: Legislative

A special session was called in 1971 to consider tax reform and reapportionment. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend approval The budget proposed for the support of the Legislature will be funded by appropriations in the first 12 items of the Budget Bill total- ing $30,275,279, which is $307,516 or 1.0 percent higher than net appro- priations of $29,967,763 from the General Fund in the current year.